Chaos Corona Forum

Chaos Corona for 3ds Max => [Max] Bug Reporting => Topic started by: romullus on 2017-08-01, 11:08:26

Title: Wrong reflections in dome mode
Post by: romullus on 2017-08-01, 11:08:26
I've noticed that when using HDRI loaded with CoronaBitmap in dome mode in conjunction with shadow catcher, it will gives wrong reflections, that are especially visible on the objects that are in close proximity with the ground. In some extreme cases it even looks like hdri was used in screen projection mode and objects start looking as if they was semi transparent. I wonder is this is a limitation of dome projection mode and cannot be fixed or is this simply a bug?
Title: Re: Wrong reflections in dome mode
Post by: Tanakov on 2017-08-01, 20:43:45
Im not sure od you are rights, have you tryed adding markers to mapa to make sure your claim is valid?
Title: Re: Wrong reflections in dome mode
Post by: romullus on 2017-08-01, 20:58:32
Like if what can be seen on the first attachment in my original post looks right to you? But actually i tried to place geometry markers yes, and reflections are totally off.
Title: Re: Wrong reflections in dome mode
Post by: vkiuru on 2017-08-02, 06:34:50
Yeah before even reading your whole description on the matter I was gonna comment that due to visible lack of reflections taking the curving surface in to account it looks almost like it's just straight up projecting of semi-"refracting" the ground in some way :) Now I need to check my own scenes.. at least no-one's complained on anything so maybe no commercial stuff done where things would look this off.
Title: Re: Wrong reflections in dome mode
Post by: romullus on 2017-08-02, 09:40:05
To make it more clear, here's comparison of reflections in dome and spherical modes. See how in dome mode all lower portion of the bus looks very wrong, almost transparent and how it looks much better in spherical mode. I also combined those two renders in photoshop, leaving dome portion for backplate and spherical for reflections. Sadly it can't be done in Corona with global reflections override, because it's shadowcatcher that's causing these bad reflections.

I really hope that this topic will get some response from devs, because for the moment i don't know where to move it - to bug reporting or feature request boards ;]
Title: Re: Wrong reflections in dome mode
Post by: romullus on 2017-09-01, 10:48:13
Title: Re: Wrong reflections in dome mode
Post by: Juraj on 2017-09-01, 10:51:46
Subscribing for answer too.
Title: Re: Wrong reflections in dome mode
Post by: kosso_olli on 2017-09-01, 17:38:32
This is actually my first post, because I am a V-Ray guy...
But we had exactly the same problems with dome light set to ground projection. Don't ask me how, but Vlado figured out a way to fix it. I don't have the original images anymore, but it looked exactly the same: Objects seemed to be partly transparent when they were near the ground.

As to the other three images: The first one looks correct to me. This is the behavior I would expect because the lower parts on the front bumper are curved inwards, it of course reflects the ground it is standing on.
The other ones look plainly wrong because the reflections of the environment are way too big. And why there is nothing reflecting in the lower parts of the bumper, is a mystery to me.

I envy you Corona guys for your HDRi and dome mode stuff, that is exactly what I would need in V-Ray. Because there, changing the radius only affects the ground projection, but not the rest of the environment above the horizon line...
Title: Re: Wrong reflections in dome mode
Post by: romullus on 2017-09-01, 21:28:14
But we had exactly the same problems with dome light set to ground projection. Don't ask me how, but Vlado figured out a way to fix it.

That's nice to hear. It means that there is hope it will be solved in Corona too :]

I think i'll try to compare spherical and dome mode with reflections from a real geometry and see what will come closest.
Title: Re: Wrong reflections in dome mode
Post by: Duron on 2017-10-27, 12:57:38
Experienced this problem since the implemtation of dome mode too. And yes this is also an old known bug in vray back in the days but it got fixed as kosso_olli said.

I'm running corona 1.7 and this problem is still alive.
Title: Re: Wrong reflections in dome mode
Post by: Juraj on 2017-10-27, 15:39:26
By the way, since we can use VrayHDRi map in Corona, does that one work correctly in dome mode ? Or is the fix only in Vray somehow.
Title: Re: Wrong reflections in dome mode
Post by: romullus on 2017-10-27, 16:38:57
Now that's a million dollar question...
Title: Re: Wrong reflections in dome mode
Post by: rowmanns on 2020-02-12, 15:43:13
(Internal ID=461614509)
Title: Re: Wrong reflections in dome mode
Post by: pokoy on 2020-02-12, 19:04:11
Thanks for looking into this ;)