Chaos Corona Forum

Chaos Corona for 3ds Max => [Max] Daily Builds => Topic started by: TomG on 2017-04-10, 23:48:11

Title: Corona 1.6 Release Candidate 2 is out now!
Post by: TomG on 2017-04-10, 23:48:11
Corona 1.6 Release Candidate 2 is out now!

Everyone with an active FairSaaS or Box with Subscription license has access, and the download is in the usual location:

We welcome your testing and feedback to catch any remaining bugs or other issues. The Release Candidate should be stable, but we need your testing in the real world to confirm any remaining issues - 1.6 final should be out in around 2 weeks, to allow time for that testing.

Changes from RC1:

- Fixed unnecessary CPU usage after render when bloom&glare is used with render elements.

- Implemented “Force PT” checkbox for Interactive Rendering (using PT in place of the UHD cache during IR allows faster interactive rendering by removing the time needed to calculate the UHD cache; this checkbox allows IR to use PT, while final renders still use the UHD Cache)

- Vignette now properly works with 2D pan/zoom mode.

- Fixed possible artifacts with refraction environment override.

- Reset all hidden UHD cache parameters that may be still set incorrectly in old scenes due to some previous bugs - there are no longer any hidden parameters in the UHD cache.

- Fixed IR starting with old global renderer settings (e.g. if displacement was disabled in the Common tab in the Render Setup dialog, IR would still show displacement)

- Fixed Corona bitmap not refreshing in the viewport after the file is modified on the HDD.

- Fixed bug causing slower parsing and memory usage for displacement - displacement can now take 10 times less memory, and 3 times less time

- DR reverted back to rendering whole passes on slaves to fix the “slaves sending too many passes” bug. Rendering smaller strips can be optionally enabled, but is considered “experimental, may break some things” until further bugfixes.

- Fixed: bug where search lan would return only first 10 nodes

Corona Standalone:
Improved error messages on duplicate materials.

Corona Image Editor:
- User is now asked for confirmation when resetting post-processing settings.

- The functionality of opening a single image and merging multiple images has been separated; now each has its own button.

- Fixed not updating zoom level within the title bar.

- Editor asks for confirmation to discard changes when another image is dragged and dropped.

Title: Re: Corona 1.6 Release Candidate 2 is out now!
Post by: ihabkal on 2017-04-11, 05:11:25
first project to try and passes are rendering correctly, low res and high res images no problems yet
project fills 32/32GB when rendering and no DR issues as of yet
I will leave to render the high res fully and if any issues arise I will let you know.