Chaos Corona Forum

Chaos Corona for 3ds Max => [Max] General Discussion => Topic started by: BorderLine on 2017-03-24, 17:40:44

Title: Just impressive !
Post by: BorderLine on 2017-03-24, 17:40:44
I am launching this post to make a remark. I abandoned Corona about 3 months ago to go under Octane - I have 6 Titan X 12 GB -
I just take it for a precise project much quicker to do under 3ds Max and there, surprise!
 I do not know what you've done, maybe Nitroglycerin in the code, but it's amazing.
Power - I have an I7 5960X and an I7 6950X - speed and quality I had never seen!
You did a fantastic job.
Congratulations to the whole team.
Title: Re: Just impressive !
Post by: Nejc Kilar on 2017-03-24, 22:38:32
Maybe its just me thats a little confused but... You are saying you digg Corona or have you found Octane to better suit your needs (depending on your rig I'd say thats the case)? Sorry, I'm just profoundly confused :)
Title: Re: Just impressive !
Post by: BorderLine on 2017-03-25, 04:55:53
Hi Nkilar,
I say Corona is better than Octane, even if i've 6 Titan X !
Title: Re: Just impressive !
Post by: synolog on 2017-03-25, 14:17:30
Sell the titans and buy some amd naples.
Title: Re: Just impressive !
Post by: Juraj on 2017-03-25, 15:11:36
And did you try F-Storm ? :- )

*goes into hiding....

(ps: I didn't for example)
Title: Re: Just impressive !
Post by: Nejc Kilar on 2017-03-25, 15:53:20
And did you try F-Storm ? :- )

*goes into hiding....

(ps: I didn't for example)

Oh no you didn't! :)

@BorderLine Well I for one am happy you've found a tool that works for you. I myself have a somewhat limited experience with GPU renderers but I definitely see the appeal. As a matter of fact I am a little surprised you didn't find that 6x configuration do miracles for you... That is some serious horsepower right there that should be doing "miracles". :)
Title: Re: Just impressive !
Post by: Juraj on 2017-03-25, 16:11:37
The only reason I would go with gpu renderer myself currently is so I could built such monster PC. It looks amazing if I imagine it... some custom CaseLabs monstrosity, dual water loop...ooh...
Title: Re: Just impressive !
Post by: Nejc Kilar on 2017-03-25, 19:44:33
Well personally I like the expandability such a system offers + the direct lighting scenarios clean up unbelievably fast :) The price $ ratio seems great too though although now that AMD is back in the CPU game things are changing on that front as well. FUN TIMES!