Chaos Corona Forum

Chaos Corona for 3ds Max => [Max] Feature Requests => [Max] Resolved Feature Requests => Topic started by: ezmario on 2017-01-18, 12:19:03

Title: Model in VFB
Post by: ezmario on 2017-01-18, 12:19:03
Hi guys.....

Searched the forum and didn't find this suggestion....

This must be really difficult to implement, but it would be next generation CG if we could select objects and edit within the rendered Frame Buffer.
with the interactive render now being so quick to respond, it seems almost possible to manipulate objects in a Quasi Real world Scenario.

Would think that the hardest part would be Max's inherent mono thread architecture..

Just putting it out there because I would love to actually almost grip the object to sculpt it.
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Title: Re: Model in VFB
Post by: daniel-fleming on 2017-01-18, 14:47:17
something like this?  occulus Medium

Title: Re: Model in VFB
Post by: James on 2017-01-19, 11:14:15
This would be amazing, but does sound a bit next next gen. I do find myself mistakenly trying to pick materials with the eyedropper from the interactive renderer sometimes or just clicking on objects. Shows just how intuitive it would be if it was possible.
Title: Re: Model in VFB
Post by: pokoy on 2017-01-19, 14:20:00
Before Corona could render in the viewport the way you describe it's up to Autodesk to work on some fundamental stuff that would needed to be done, for example gizmo and vertex/edge/poly overlay over the render output and probably faster data exchange between the core and the renderer. Corona does a great job at being responsive but as long as Autodesk doesn't put serious effort into this on their end no 3rd party can provide this functionality.

They have a new ideas page, make sure to request this if you want to see this in Max: (
Title: Re: Model in VFB
Post by: ezmario on 2017-02-22, 11:29:26
Good old Autodesk.

Always 2 steps forward. 2 steps sideways..
Title: Re: Model in VFB
Post by: Ondra on 2017-03-11, 13:09:15
yep, this is too sci-fi with the current ecosystem