Chaos Corona Forum

Chaos Corona for 3ds Max => [Max] I need help! => Topic started by: quizzy on 2016-12-09, 12:05:44

Title: unknown system exception
Post by: quizzy on 2016-12-09, 12:05:44
after startup of max2016 with cor 1.5:

-- Error occurred during fileIn in "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\scripts\startup\"; line number: 104
>> MAXScript Auto-load Script Error - C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\scripts\startup\ Exception:
-- Unknown system exception <<

 any thoughts?
Title: Re: unknown system exception
Post by: maru on 2016-12-09, 14:10:42
Can you try going to that folder C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\scripts\startup\ and removing the file? Then install Corona again, and see if it helped.
If not, I would recommend reinstalling 3ds Max.

I remember seeing this error some time ago, but unfortunately I am not sure about the solution...
Here is the other thread:,14017.msg91089.html#msg91089
Title: Re: unknown system exception
Post by: quizzy on 2016-12-09, 16:30:27
reinstalling corona did not help. Further more; i got an 3ds max application has stopped working everytime. Disabling some service got me in 3dsmax but then I got the error in the startup maxscript.
Now I've removed the script from my startup folder and max starts up perfectly.

Saw in the code some legacy stuff being removed and so on... so I figured, once it has done that it should not be started again..