Chaos Corona Forum

Chaos Corona for 3ds Max => [Max] Bug Reporting => [Max] Resolved Bugs => Topic started by: cecofuli on 2016-11-15, 21:09:29

Title: When I overridre, with PS, an used texture in the CoronaMTL = Crash!
Post by: cecofuli on 2016-11-15, 21:09:29
As in the title, this is an old problem.
I thought that it was solved but...  unfortunately no =(

Corona 1.5.2 with 3ds Max bitmap
In attachment the minidump.
Title: Re: When I overridre, with PS, an used texture in the CoronaMTL = Crash!
Post by: maru on 2016-11-16, 12:13:31
Our devs will be probably able to find something useful in the minidump, but other than that, your description is not the greatest. :)
What does "When I overridre, with PS, an used texture in the CoronaMTL" mean? Do you mean that you are overwriting a texture which is used? Is this happening during rendering?
Title: Re: When I overridre, with PS, an used texture in the CoronaMTL = Crash!
Post by: Dionysios.TS on 2016-11-16, 15:02:46
I think he wanted to write: When I overwrite with PS a used texture in CoronaMTL i get a crash.

Same for me btw! It happened yesterday 4 times. Thought this issue was resolved... :(

Dionysios -
Title: Re: When I overridre, with PS, an used texture in the CoronaMTL = Crash!
Post by: romullus on 2016-11-16, 15:11:46
Could you specify OS and 3ds Max version, you're using? Personally for me, this issue was solved even before official fix, just when i changed OS from win7 to win10 and max from V2014 to V2016.
Title: Re: When I overridre, with PS, an used texture in the CoronaMTL = Crash!
Post by: maru on 2016-11-16, 15:31:25
Need moar details!
What file extension?
Max bitmap or Corona bitmap?
Was it during rendering, or during interactive rendering?

I just checked that and when using Max bitmap I am (correctly) getting an error message and the rendering is stopped.
When using CBitmap nothing is happening, rendering just continues with the old bitmap.
Title: Re: When I overridre, with PS, an used texture in the CoronaMTL = Crash!
Post by: Dionysios.TS on 2016-11-16, 16:53:14
Need moar details!
What file extension?
Max bitmap or Corona bitmap?
Was it during rendering, or during interactive rendering?

I just checked that and when using Max bitmap I am (correctly) getting an error message and the rendering is stopped.
When using CBitmap nothing is happening, rendering just continues with the old bitmap.

In my case it happens with Max Bitmap during Interactive Rendering.
It happened with JPG and TIFF (8bit) files.

Dionysios -
Title: Re: When I overridre, with PS, an used texture in the CoronaMTL = Crash!
Post by: cecofuli on 2016-11-17, 22:55:15
Dionysios.TS speaks english better than me, obviously =)

Yes, this bug was fixed, but it comes back again, after v1.5 official ( I think, I don't remember exactly when).

(*) 3ds max 2015
(*) In this project, I have a wall with wood.jpg  in the Diffuse map (3ds Max bitmap)
(*) Open this  wood.jpg with PS
(*) Change something in PS and save it (override the wood.jog map)
(*) Go back to 3ds Max
(*) 3ds Max freeze for a second ant he try to update something (maybe the texture in the viewport or in the MEdit, I don't know)
(*) 3ds Max crash

But, not always. It's random.

(*) 3ds max 2015
(*) jpg map
(*) 3ds Max Bitmap map.
Title: Re: When I overridre, with PS, an used texture in the CoronaMTL = Crash!
Post by: romullus on 2016-11-21, 15:21:04
I got few Max crashes when saving to PSD file in photoshop when that particular PSD file is loaded with native bitmap loader and interactive rendering is paused in viewport. If i use other formats, like PNG i can save it without issues.
Title: Re: When I overridre, with PS, an used texture in the CoronaMTL = Crash!
Post by: Christa Noel on 2016-11-21, 16:27:48
Iin 1.5, I used png & jpg, edit with PS, and crash in one time only, never happened again.. i thought that was my fault or i dont know what it was.. And thanx, now i know this is an issue, will stay away from editing texture in PS for a while :)
Win 7 sp1, max16, coronabitmap, PS cs6
Title: Re: When I overridre, with PS, an used texture in the CoronaMTL = Crash!
Post by: romullus on 2016-11-26, 21:36:25
It looks like things got worse for me for some reason. I had few textures plugged to material and that material was assigned to object in scene. I deleted those textures from slate editor and then deleted texture files from disk - few moments later, max crashed. Render wasn't running at that time. Attaching minidump.
Title: Re: When I overridre, with PS, an used texture in the CoronaMTL = Crash!
Post by: Frood on 2016-11-26, 22:20:49
A fellow here also states that this problem reappeared in 1.5 final (1.5.2 currently). CanĀ“t be more specific.

Good Luck

Title: Re: When I overridre, with PS, an used texture in the CoronaMTL = Crash!
Post by: Ondra on 2017-03-21, 15:49:47
Title: Re: When I overridre, with PS, an used texture in the CoronaMTL = Crash!
Post by: Ondra on 2017-03-21, 18:43:24
How do you launch rendering when this happens?? By pressing F9, or by toolbar icon?
Title: Re: When I overridre, with PS, an used texture in the CoronaMTL = Crash!
Post by: Ondra on 2017-03-22, 14:21:13
hopefully fixed