Chaos Corona Forum

Chaos Corona for 3ds Max => [Max] General Discussion => Topic started by: Ondra on 2016-09-23, 00:04:38

Title: Is anyone changing the "Denoise radius" parameter?
Post by: Ondra on 2016-09-23, 00:04:38
We are thinking about removing/hiding this parameter as the denoising continues to work reliably without changing it in our tests. Is there anyone who changes its value?
Title: Re: Is anyone changing the "Denoise radius" parameter?
Post by: PROH on 2016-09-23, 00:19:29
Yes, I do. When rendering smaller sized pictures, I've found that I'm often having a better result when lowering the denoise radius to 0,5. By smaller size I mean 2000-1800 and lower.

I must also say, that this has become my workflow since the early days of the denoiser, so I haven't made any comparing/test lately. Maybe something has changed?

Will see if I can make some new testing soon...

Title: Re: Is anyone changing the "Denoise radius" parameter?
Post by: GabaCGStudio on 2016-09-23, 00:24:17
i remember that set this about 0.1 to 0.25 at past ...
specifically for detailed textures ...
Title: Re: Is anyone changing the "Denoise radius" parameter?
Post by: agentdark45 on 2016-09-23, 01:36:04
i remember that set this about 0.1 to 0.25 at past ...
specifically for detailed textures ...

This x2
Title: Re: Is anyone changing the "Denoise radius" parameter?
Post by: Caue Rodrigues on 2016-09-23, 04:44:25
I never changed.
Title: Re: Is anyone changing the "Denoise radius" parameter?
Post by: Juraj on 2016-09-23, 07:49:17
Rendered 2.5k previews tonight, which I consider "low-res". After 100 passes (2perc. noise), even at 100perc. denoise there was visually almost no texture clarity loss. Played with 0.5 at some point but I think it looked splotchier (like IR), but maybe I was imagining it, wasn't too thorough.
Title: Re: Is anyone changing the "Denoise radius" parameter?
Post by: Cheesemsmsm on 2016-09-23, 07:57:32
What about adding 'Basic' and 'Advanced' modes (Vray-like) and move these kinds of settings to the Advanced mode and keep the Basic mode as simple as possible?
Title: Re: Is anyone changing the "Denoise radius" parameter?
Post by: johan belmans on 2016-09-23, 08:20:30
Our workflow from the introduction of Denoise: we use 0.6 for highres and lowres images.
Title: Re: Is anyone changing the "Denoise radius" parameter?
Post by: cecofuli on 2016-09-23, 13:44:30
No, please...  NO Advanced and Basic UI!!!!!
Title: Re: Is anyone changing the "Denoise radius" parameter?
Post by: Ondra on 2016-09-23, 13:49:06
No, please...  NO Advanced and Basic UI!!!!!
Title: Re: Is anyone changing the "Denoise radius" parameter?
Post by: kahein on 2016-09-23, 17:03:20
always put it at 0.1
Title: Re: Is anyone changing the "Denoise radius" parameter?
Post by: Tanakov on 2016-09-26, 12:57:22
KeyMastah is there a chance you can "add" an option to "re-denoise" image when the value is set to 1 etc? I would then use it, atm. Im just using hte default as I dont want to experiment most of the time.
Title: Re: Is anyone changing the "Denoise radius" parameter?
Post by: Ondra on 2016-09-26, 13:20:48
KeyMastah is there a chance you can "add" an option to "re-denoise" image when the value is set to 1 etc? I would then use it, atm. Im just using hte default as I dont want to experiment most of the time.
it is possible with the standalone image tool we are currently developing. Beta should be around sometimes 1.5 is out
Title: Re: Is anyone changing the "Denoise radius" parameter?
Post by: alexyork on 2016-09-26, 15:39:00
We're not touching it.
Title: Re: Is anyone changing the "Denoise radius" parameter?
Post by: TheDavid on 2016-10-03, 09:22:53
I use this feature a lot. When I light the scene I always use full denoise at 1.0 so I do not get distract from the noise. It kills some detail but is useful. But for final images I set the setting for 0.4 or so to kill the small noise in darker areas. This feature always saves me some time.
Title: Re: Is anyone changing the "Denoise radius" parameter?
Post by: romullus on 2016-10-03, 10:00:49
I think that some folks simply confusing denoise AMOUNT with denoise RADIUS. I do not touch radius simply because it isn't interactive and i don't feel that time spent inspecting output at various radiuses is worth arguably small increase in denoising quality (if there is any).
Title: Re: Is anyone changing the "Denoise radius" parameter?
Post by: TheDavid on 2016-10-03, 10:06:31
Ups, I miss read. Denoise radius I do not touch.
Title: Re: Is anyone changing the "Denoise radius" parameter?
Post by: alexyork on 2016-10-03, 10:09:02
I think that some folks simply confusing denoise AMOUNT with denoise RADIUS. I do not touch radius simply because it isn't interactive and i don't feel that time spent inspecting output at various radiuses is worth arguably small increase in denoising quality (if there is any).

Exactly this. The time spent to test benefits from changing radius values negates the time saving of using denoising in the first place. Less value fiddling = always good.
Title: Re: Is anyone changing the "Denoise radius" parameter?
Post by: Ondra on 2016-10-03, 10:17:04
either way, we are not hiding it in 1.5 ;)
Title: Re: Is anyone changing the "Denoise radius" parameter?
Post by: le13emepanda on 2016-10-03, 10:32:39
My workflow : I use 0.6 for highres images
Title: Re: Is anyone changing the "Denoise radius" parameter?
Post by: A515 on 2016-10-03, 11:54:36
No, please...  NO Advanced and Basic UI!!!!!

No change is well ..