Chaos Corona Forum

Chaos Corona for 3ds Max => [Max] Feature Requests => [Max] Resolved Feature Requests => Topic started by: 3dwannab on 2016-09-04, 17:48:38

Title: CoronaNormal Map. Gamma control for additional bump mapping
Post by: 3dwannab on 2016-09-04, 17:48:38

Seeing as all bump maps need loading with gamma 1.0. Could you add the same control as the normal maps for the additional bump maps. Checking the box will convert map to gamma 1.0?

Title: Re: CoronaNormal Map. Gamma control for additional bump mapping
Post by: Ondra on 2016-10-03, 16:39:55
This would lead to pretty weird workflow, dont you think? Having to put all bump maps inside a normal map? It would be possible to do some advanced bump map (already requested) that could handle this. I am moving this to resolved and adding the idea to the second thread:,1475
Title: Re: CoronaNormal Map. Gamma control for additional bump mapping
Post by: 3dwannab on 2016-10-03, 16:50:48
It's fine. I'll resolved the issue by create a SME tool that can change multiple bitmaps/coronabitmaps nodes gammas without opening them.

Title: Re: CoronaNormal Map. Gamma control for additional bump mapping
Post by: Juraj on 2016-10-03, 23:08:34
Bump map doesn't "need" to be interpreted as 1.0 in same way as normal map. Normal map absolutely needs to be in 1.0 otherwise it doesn't work as intended. Bump map can be authored in 2.2 (with middle point being 186) and then it can be interpreted as 2.2 in 3dsMax.

But 1.0 simply suits it better since it's linear, but it suits to every single bitmap with such information, i.e Glossiness/Roughness, Translucency fraction, IOR, Fresnel IOR, anisotropy direction, etc. etc.

So we don't need specialized gamma for bump, we need gamma for every single bitmap, just like VrayHDRi (they really ought to change the name if they want anyone to use it), hence why simply integrating it into CoronaBitmap would be best solution . This is how Maya has it now (although in very extended fashion, with full color spaces, not just gamma interpretation).

Doing that gamma switch in CoronaNormal should have stayed at warning, it was hack that will bite back in ass in future. We still need to manually override gamma in all the other slots I mentioned above : /
Title: Re: CoronaNormal Map. Gamma control for additional bump mapping
Post by: Ondra on 2016-10-03, 23:37:27
or even better would be to integrate the notion of gamma into the shader pipeline, so all textures could be saved with appropriate gamma and evaluated at appropriate gamma... sigh, if only, autodesk, if only ;)
Title: Re: CoronaNormal Map. Gamma control for additional bump mapping
Post by: 3dwannab on 2016-10-04, 02:09:28
Here's the screenshot of the tool that I'm currently working on. It changes multiple selected Bitmap nodes in SME so far.

Tiling/real-world scale, blurs, gamma (auto,1 or user [if needed]), map channels & open multiple maps in Photoshop. I've seen other scripts do this but you don't have any real control over them.

It also renames Bitmap nodes names with the gamma value so next time you can easily see what you probably would of forgotten ;)

I've other neat plans for it too but for me these functions have been something I've wanted for a long time, especially in the SME as it lacks any great control over multiple nodes.

If you would like a BETA Juraj I would gladly pass a copy onto you. You only have to drag a .mzp file into max UI and my script automatically opens, closes and minimizes with the SME. It also follows it about the screen if you move the SME UI, so it's as non-obtrusive as possible. :)
Title: Re: CoronaNormal Map. Gamma control for additional bump mapping
Post by: Juraj on 2016-10-04, 02:13:47
My brain is too slow at this hour to truly get the possibilities but sure, I won't pass on opportunity from script wizards :- ) Could come handy.