Chaos Corona Forum

General Category => General CG Discussion => Topic started by: @matrix on 2016-05-18, 09:15:29

Title: Anybody know of some good resources to learn how to make advanced materials?
Post by: @matrix on 2016-05-18, 09:15:29
Id like a good book or online class where i can learn advanced material creation, the basic materials tutorial vid by corona was awesome but i want to go more in depthy, thanks
Title: Re: Anybody know of some good resources to learn how to make advanced materials?
Post by: maru on 2016-05-18, 16:26:15
Well, have you seen this one?

What specific materials do you mean? Usually it's observing a material in real life/reference photos and trying to figure out how to simulate the observed phenomena using tools available in material editor.
Title: Re: Anybody know of some good resources to learn how to make advanced materials?
Post by: blank... on 2016-05-19, 14:17:47
Well, have you seen this one?

What's up with Outputs after the AO map? Isn't the same thing achievable within the AO map itself, with Invert normals and Color spared options.
Title: Re: Anybody know of some good resources to learn how to make advanced materials?
Post by: romullus on 2016-05-19, 15:35:20
Not exactly. With AO map you get nice gradient from occluded to unoccluded colours and with Output map you can finetune that same gradient in a way you could never achieve with controls available in AO map.
Title: Re: Anybody know of some good resources to learn how to make advanced materials?
Post by: agentdark45 on 2016-05-19, 15:48:37
Have you seen any of the Grant Warwick vray tutorials? A lot of of can be easily translated into Corona.