Chaos Corona Forum
Chaos Corona for Cinema 4D => [C4D] Bug Reporting => Topic started by: olcaykayihan on 2016-04-27, 13:45:03
Hi we have been testing team render after A5.1 release
Now when we not using multipass team render looks working.
It renders too dark image only but when we set the gamma 2.2 in picture viewer image looks same
on the other hand when the render start everything looks normal but when passes are increasing at the same time RAM usage is increasing and not stoping until all ram finishing and after that machine(server) is stopping to render pass we are not sure other clients continue rendering or not
Generally it is easy to render still image with team render uisng not a complex scenes it can render it witouth finishing the Ram limit but when we use complex scenes Main machine wery early stopped and render is very slow
Another interesting thing is C4d cannot purge the memory when we stopped the render and closing the project also not helped us only we must close C4d aplication than windosw uses Ram normally