Chaos Corona Forum

General Category => Porting and API => [Archive] Chaos Corona for Sketchup => Topic started by: jKLman on 2016-03-13, 14:52:35

Title: Old Sketchup file rendered with missing colors and materials
Post by: jKLman on 2016-03-13, 14:52:35
After updating to the new updated plugin, my old files never rendered correctly with colors and materials that are applied on it.
Old plugin rendered it correctly in press of a button, now is become white even if materials and colors appears in material editor.

Anyone with the same situation?

Title: Re: Old Sketchup file rendered with missing colors and materials
Post by: Ithil on 2016-03-14, 08:30:10
Try to assign materials to the surface, and dont assign materials to groups and components
Title: Re: Old Sketchup file rendered with missing colors and materials
Post by: jKLman on 2016-03-14, 12:21:02
3 ways to apply materials when one is using Sketchup and what you have done
using surface is one of it. It may be faster workflow for anyone but I prefered grouping first then apply materials.

What I am actually expecting for corona plugin to support all mapping workflow whether by
1. Surface or single face material assignment
2. Grouped faces material assignment or component with materials
3. Imported models with assigned materials or proxy objects

In my test, previous plugin autodetect materials and it renders without tweaking.
Now, autodetect is not working as I can see that materials are even applied to surfaces and grouped object.

Even the transsparent glass become opaque which is previously rendered transparent though no reflection nor refraction effect.
Title: Re: Old Sketchup file rendered with missing colors and materials
Post by: Ryuu on 2016-03-22, 11:07:35
Yeah, there is a bug causing materials applied to groups/components not being used for rendering. This is already fixed in my internal build and I'll do a new release as soon as I have time for it.
Title: Re: Old Sketchup file rendered with missing colors and materials
Post by: jKLman on 2016-03-24, 00:32:30
Thanks Ryuu,

Looking forward to that. Corona for Sketchup is getting more awesome!
Title: Re: Old Sketchup file rendered with missing colors and materials
Post by: jKLman on 2016-04-10, 05:20:21
Testing the latest dev update, I confirm that it is working back with my old files again.
I just noticed that I need to restart Sketchup when opening other files. If not, current materials in the material editor does not refresh to the new opened scene file.

Need to test more.

Title: Re: Old Sketchup file rendered with missing colors and materials
Post by: Ryuu on 2016-04-11, 11:16:10
I just noticed that I need to restart Sketchup when opening other files. If not, current materials in the material editor does not refresh to the new opened scene file.

This works correctly for me. It may be related to some specific material properties in the scenes. So if you can, please submit a bug report to Mantis with some testing scenes attached. If this happens in some scenes you don't want to share publicly, you can upload them via our private uploader: (
Title: Re: Old Sketchup file rendered with missing colors and materials
Post by: jKLman on 2016-04-11, 18:46:56

This works correctly for me. It may be related to some specific material properties in the scenes.

In testing further, seems to me that it is just a memory lag or the Sketchup being slow to refresh when loading new scene.
This could be a bug but still trying to get a correct file to send in order to recreate this.

In some scene, it happens but sometimes I can't recreate it.
Title: Re: Old Sketchup file rendered with missing colors and materials
Post by: Ryuu on 2016-04-11, 20:33:58
Yeah, the exports are pretty slow right now, especially if you have some large non-diffuse maps. I'll try to optimize this in the future.