Chaos Corona Forum

Chaos Corona for 3ds Max => [Max] I need help! => Topic started by: zchen on 2015-12-07, 12:09:09

Title: 8-hours for ONE pass? Scene to complex to handle?
Post by: zchen on 2015-12-07, 12:09:09
Hey guys,

Normally my scenes render quite fast, but this one havent even cleared one single pass after a whole night...

I'm on a tight schedule so I'm wondering what would be the reason to make a plan.
It's a big real estate development and I am making a few shots from different points of view.
(see screencaps; red circle is the position of current camera that I'm trying to render)

- I'm using one HDRI
- I have 105 accross different buildings and 60-ish lightMaterials
- the scene is in Meters
- using PT+PT

system is:
- i7 5820K @ 4.0Ghz
- 32gb ram
- GTX550

Is it because the scene is too big for Corona? Too many lights?


EDIT: Sorry, should've probably posted this in 'I need help' section.
Title: Re: 8-hours for ONE pass? Scene to complex to handle?
Post by: maru on 2015-12-07, 12:15:44

The scene does not look very complex. Some important questions:

-what is the resolution you are rendering at?
-which version of Corona are you using?
-are you getting any error messages or warnings from Corona during rendering?
-do you have bitmap paging disabled? ( )
-can you show screenshot of "stats" tab in VFB while rendering?
-how are you loading the HDRI? Are you using Vray HDRI loader?
Title: Re: 8-hours for ONE pass? Scene to complex to handle?
Post by: zchen on 2015-12-07, 12:28:31

The scene does not look very complex. Some important questions:

-what is the resolution you are rendering at?
-which version of Corona are you using?
-are you getting any error messages or warnings from Corona during rendering?
-do you have bitmap paging disabled? ( )
-can you show screenshot of "stats" tab in VFB while rendering?
-how are you loading the HDRI? Are you using Vray HDRI loader?

- 6000X4000 Resolution
- Corona ver. Corona version: 1.3 / Full-speed, Non-debug, MaxSDK 2015
- No error message of any sort
- Bitmap Paging is unchecked
- See Stats screencap below
- Yes I am using vrayHDRI to have the rotation controls...never had any problem with that though..(?)

Thanks a lot maru!
Title: Re: 8-hours for ONE pass? Scene to complex to handle?
Post by: maru on 2015-12-07, 14:12:03
Some quick ideas:
-do you know what actually took so long? Was it the final rendering or some pre-computation phase?
-are you using displacement?
-maybe you are running out of RAM (which shouldn't be the case with 32gigs, but who knows) and HDD starts paging?
-you can try enabling UHD cache as secondary solver, maybe it will help
-you still have a lot of lights, maybe this can be optimized? See:
-generally the stats look ok, but you are getting lots of rays/sample, see:
Title: Re: 8-hours for ONE pass? Scene to complex to handle?
Post by: zchen on 2015-12-07, 16:03:14
It was saying "rendering initial pass", so I'm presuming that's the first pass that took the whole night. The pre-computation seemed normal.

These are good pointers maru, I will definitely try to keep these in mind when I start the next project.
Can't wait to take my time and get deeper into Corona.

Title: Re: 8-hours for ONE pass? Scene to complex to handle?
Post by: Tanakov on 2015-12-08, 10:54:57
My suggestion is

1. Try rendering the same scene using uber small resolution, if the pass is not loading hours, but minutes thats the problem.
To fix it I suggest using backburner plit render and that would save a lot of time.

2. Try to render the scene using "One material" (resave with other name, and add only 1 material to all) that will determine if that is the shader problem.
3. If not, try turning on/off some objects in scene to see if that is the case.

Title: Re: 8-hours for ONE pass? Scene to complex to handle?
Post by: zchen on 2015-12-09, 17:12:49
Hi Tanakov,

These are useful pointers, I will definitely run those tests to pinpoint the issue.
For now, I just bruteforced it for 20 hours since the project's due very soon :)