Chaos Corona for Cinema 4D > [C4D] Bug Reporting
Stuck while initializing plugins
--- Quote from: SwishySwoosh79 on 2019-01-11, 04:31:36 ---I don't know is there is any difference between cmd and powershell, but heres the response i got from powershell
--- End quote ---
Yes, unfortunately they have different syntax. In power shell, run this:
--- Code: ---& '.\CINEMA 4D.exe' g_console=true
--- End code ---
i updated my nvidia drivers today, and cinema started fine with corona working too! simple fix, i guess it was a matter of time.
Well, this is pleasing news! Thanks for letting us know! :)
Good to hear that you're up and running! Thanks for the info.
Hello, I'm having the very same issue with my C4D and Corona. I tried deleting and reinstalling corona without any other plugins. I tried updating drivers/reinsatlling them. I tried removing windows updates. I tried different versions of C4D - but the problem is still there. I'm attaching the commandline pic, with corona installed it always ends up writing that it has crashed. Halp!
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