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[Max] Feature Requests / Re: Improved support of max colour management
« Last post by muoto on Today at 16:40:09 »
It would be nice to have your resolve/fusion workflow to see how you manage to create those LUT's... ;)

Between the -1.2 string, the "log" option in the vfb lut, the AgX ocio and DCTL (that i managed to install in resolve+fusion), the custom color correct node, gets a little confused ;)
Gallery / Re: Kill Bill
« Last post by ismailammar on Today at 15:45:18 »
Hello Maru, Thanks for your advice, of course I won't take it personally at all and you're right about your notice. I am always willing to take notices and critique from others to improve my work. 
« Last post by ismailammar on Today at 15:43:34 »
if "avoiding user mistakes" is THE strategy - was anything done about Tone Curve after this thread:

an updated tooltip or something?
Shouldn't happen, AFAIK 0 in Corona is just another valid seed, unlike in some other programs where seed 0, or -1 means random seed on each evaluation.

Splitting and moving the messages to bug reporting board.
[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: Re: CoronaMultiMap seed spinner
« Last post by TomG on Today at 14:32:08 »
Definitely a case where a new thread would be better ;)
Got a problem with a animation where materials with multimap changes between frames. Wanted to clarify few things without creating new topic.
My guess this happens cause seed number is set to 0, so when rendering each node just randomly uses different seed number?
If so then changing seed to something like 123456 would lock it in and material wouldn't change in between frames?
Problem happens only with objects that are animated, if it's just moving camera then materials don't shift around.
For what it's worth - Gamma operator lets you use lut files in Image Editor in the same manner as in every other software. just makes things simpler for the time being.
And that's already enough a reason to bring it back imo.

It looks like the Corona team is trying to protect the user from any wrong direction in postproduction, omitting the fact that some users might know exactly what they're doing or need that functionality.
[Max] I need help! / Re: Render multiples camera matching
« Last post by Frood on Today at 12:43:36 »
That can be a good idea to have "Active camera overrides" checkbox for shadowcatcher, then it should work fine

Yes it would in this case, but there are others. If you think the above is technically possible, then a way to implement it more generally would be a (new) CameraEnvOverride map node where you just can pipe in conveniently any map into all four Corona environment slots. You would reference the corresponding camera into that node (like e.g. CoronaDistanceTexmap does) or activate a checkbox "Select camera automatically" to use the render camera - whichever it is. In this case (automatically) we would need outputs for all slots as well, one of them (presumably direct visibility override) could go to the standard max environment to drive the viewport background (option "Use Environment Background").

Sounds appealing to me at first. But I bet the obvious and straight way has been already taken: referenced maps in the Camera node. So it will work the other way round.

Even then, a generally usable CameraEnvOverride map node (now simpler), where you can get access to the active overrides is imho better than having some checkbox in a single, special material (here:CoronaShadowCatcherMtl). The output could still be used for other maps/materials (not only shadow catcher) or setting the viewport background. The hypothetical CameraEnvOverride node would need to update itself permanently to follow the overrides of the active Camera, or fallback to (Corona) scene settings if the Camera has no overrides or the view is no CoronaCamera view.
All in all it still does not solve some standard situations you usually have. For example, in case of Sun+Sky: how should it be handled if you have to set different time/intensity settings? You'd have to fallback to animation or 3dsMax states again.

Just a few thoughts about that idea, let's see :)

Good Luck

Tried the new build released today but could not open a 4Gb file. Reinstalled CR to 11 and all was fine again. The same file opened in seconds.
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