Please check this article covering the risks of using daily builds: Daily Builds FAQIf you are familiar with the daily builds and know how to use them, download the newest one here:
chaos-corona-12-3dsmax-RC2.exeUser-Facing Improvements- Added old VFB double click (fit to render) functionality to the new VFB2.
Bugfixes- Fixed issue where Aperture Dialog would become larger after every collapsing/expansion of the collapsed properties.
- Fixed VFB 2.0 being small for first open and each time render settings were opened and closed.
- Fixed old and new VFB 2.0 not having consistent IR resolutions between first and later runs.
- Reenabled 3ds Max hotkeys that were disabled when VFB 2.0 had focus. Removed Ctrl+C hotkey copying VFB2 content.
- Fixed rare crash occurring during material renaming in lister.
UI/UX improvements in VFB2- Fixed missing update when editing history items.
- Forbid of showing context menu for names of history items.
- Fixed color probe to always adapt size to fit the contents.
- Tabs widths were made smaller to better fit on High-DPI monitors.
- Disabled expandable buttons are no longer highlighted.
- Fixed a rare issue where a render region from a previous rendering could be used during the first second of a new render.
- Fixed crash when entering in aperture dialog's spinbox.
- Prevented turning on 3ds Max's walkthrough mode when navigating with up-arrow in render elements combo box.
- Fixed crash in VFB 2.0 when removing comparison while editing CXR.
- Fixed issue where rendering would get stuck in clean-up phase when any menu was opened.
- Fixed rare crash that occurred when changing resolution of IR while denoising.
- Fixed issue where CoronaSky connected to Camera environment map override did not work with volume shader.
- Fixed scaling issues on high dpi monitors - VFB 2.0 UI should now correctly upscale on high dpi monitors.
- Fixed issue where saving defaults and loading would lead to crash.
- Fixed rare freeze which occurred when certain render stamp tokens are used and tonemapping/lightmix is being changed.
- Fixed Bloom&Glare aperture editor button being disabled after loading a scene with enabled custom aperture.
ScatterBugfixes- Fixed issue with missing icons in Max 2025.
- Fixed multiple issues with the "Adaptive previz" mode:
- A crash on switching to full mesh preview when painting/brushing is active.
- "Adaptive previz" doesn't react upon user view pan, zoom, rotate for specific scenes.
- Avoid unnecessary recomputation on "Adaptive previz" enable/disable.
- Fixed crash when using Scatter as an input in Corona DistanceTex.
- Various minor fixes:
- Fixed crash on deleting a distribute-on object.
- Added precise control on when the painted/edited instances should be cleaned/removed and preserved when it is possible/safe.
- Added safe undo support on clearing instances.
- Minor fix on the display mode control during brushing/erasing so it is consistent with the legacy edit-only mode.
- Minor fix on the default display mode.
« Last Edit: 2024-06-24, 10:16:41 by maru »
