Author Topic: Remote DR  (Read 553 times)

2024-04-05, 17:52:55


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It would be fantastic if we could offload rendering to another machine on my network through DR without having to render on the host PC itself too.
I work on my work-supplied laptop but also have a personal workstation that is much more powerful. I often use them in tandem to render but sometimes id much prefer if i could just submit to render on my main workstation without needing to manually transfer all of the textures, open it on my workstation, relink the files and then render.

Im sure there are other requests for similar features but just a checkbox for 'include this machine' on DR would be great. I don't even mind if the host machine still just assembles the sent passes in a vfb. I just dont want it rendering and locking up my machine when i could be working on other stuff during the render. Yes i could set up deadline or similar but it feels like a potential easy win for those only rendering on one or two machines.

2024-04-10, 13:20:24
Reply #1


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I have logged this as a feature request in our system. We will let you know as we have any updates on this.

(Report ID=CMAX-921)
Arpit Pandey |
3D Support Specialist - Corona | contact us

2024-04-10, 15:23:06
Reply #2


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Hi Jpjapers, similar topics were discussed on the forum many times. You can search for stuff like "DR backburner" and it will show you various posts and solutions.

Basically, the idea of DR is literally distributed rendering. So you distribute a single rendering between 2 or more machines.
In case of submitting a rendering from one machine (which is not rendering) for rendering on another single machine, distributed rendering is irrelevant. It requires at least 2 rendering computers.

What you can try instead is:
- Submitting the rendering to Backburner (you submit from computer A and the rendering takes place on computer B)
- Using Backburner with Corona DR (only in case of 1 computer you are submitting from and 2 or more rendering computers) - while this scenario is not officially supported (we can't guarantee it would work), some users were able to use it -
- Using 3rd party apps to submit the rendering on computer A and execute on computer B - for example Pulze or Deadline. I *think* they have free licenses for rendering on 1-2 computers.
Marcin Miodek |
3D Support Team Lead - Corona | contact us

2024-04-15, 17:24:40
Reply #3


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Hi Jpjapers, similar topics were discussed on the forum many times. You can search for stuff like "DR backburner" and it will show you various posts and solutions.

Basically, the idea of DR is literally distributed rendering. So you distribute a single rendering between 2 or more machines.
In case of submitting a rendering from one machine (which is not rendering) for rendering on another single machine, distributed rendering is irrelevant. It requires at least 2 rendering computers.

What you can try instead is:
- Submitting the rendering to Backburner (you submit from computer A and the rendering takes place on computer B)
- Using Backburner with Corona DR (only in case of 1 computer you are submitting from and 2 or more rendering computers) - while this scenario is not officially supported (we can't guarantee it would work), some users were able to use it -
- Using 3rd party apps to submit the rendering on computer A and execute on computer B - for example Pulze or Deadline. I *think* they have free licenses for rendering on 1-2 computers.

Backburner makes me shudder but for now its the best solution it seems! It would be nice to have this feature within DR even though by its very nature it isnt distributed. Just the ease of use of DR and how tightly integrated its settings are makes it incredibly appealing to me as a means to render on other machines.
« Last Edit: 2024-04-15, 17:35:44 by Jpjapers »