Author Topic: How do I know if vfb is on or off?  (Read 987 times)

2023-10-20, 18:17:28


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we know the interface :CoronaRenderer.CoronaFp.showVfb false.Please Please let me know if vfb is on or off? In other words, what is vfb state.

2023-10-23, 16:45:11
Reply #1

Aram Avetisyan

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The mentioned command just opens (true) and closes (false) the VFB.
Do you want to know, regardless of the VFB state, if the VFB is rendering or not? Is this what you mean by "what is vfb state"?
Aram Avetisyan |
Chaos Corona QA Specialist | contact us

2024-04-11, 16:22:25
Reply #2


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I need an interface to control the maximization and minimization of the VFB, Although I can achieve this through other Way , the response is a little slow. Or tell me to get a handle (HWND) to the instance of "CoronaRenderer.CoronaFp"

2024-04-12, 13:45:56
Reply #3


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When the VFB window is maximized, and rendering. The following script is invalid.
CoronaRenderer.CoronaFp.showVfb (false)

can anybody help me ?

2024-04-12, 15:02:10
Reply #4


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what do you mean by "invalid"? Just checked, works as expected here (v9 to 11). Which Corona version are you using?

Is this what you mean by "what is vfb state"?

It is about being visible, maximized, minimized or even about getting position and size (and the currently displayed channel at best). In one of the first macros I created for Corona (10 years old) I have found a note, that it is "unfortunately not possible" to get the state of the VFB, and as a result, the macro button cannot react to the current VFB state (isChecked).

Good Luck

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2024-04-14, 15:31:17
Reply #5


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Hi Frood , First of all thank you for your reply. I need to be clearer about my intentions, First normalize the maximized VFB window in the rendering state with the shortcut keys,
then stop Render. At first I just wanted to know if the VFB window had been showed, so I can omit a piece of code: CoronaRenderer.CoronaFp.showVfb (true), Unfortunately, my clients' demands have increased further, Hence the next few calls for help! Although I could have done it with this script, it is :windows.sendmessage hwnd WM_SYSCOMMAND SC_RESTORE 0 ,But I can't use the shortcut keys to control the maximized VFB in rendering, Forgive me for being so long-winded.

2024-04-15, 15:07:40
Reply #6


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yes, hotkeys to call a macro script seem to be blocked when Corona is rendering unfortunately (invoking from the scripting listener works though). I don't know why, sorry.

Good Luck

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