Author Topic: Corona 12 Update 1  (Read 5866 times)

2024-12-11, 23:49:11


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How is everyone feeling about this latest release?  Personally I'm finding it to be a real bottleneck in my workflow.  I can't really pinpoint anything, it just feels sloooooowww.  Renders seem to take a lot longer to actually start.  They seem to take longer to render. Opening files seems to take longer.  IR is pretty much unusable for me right now it grinds my pc to a halt.  Working with 2 instances of Max open is a chore.  Opening dialogue boxes while a render or IR is running takes ages.  It's as if it's hogging absolutely ever available resource my PC has.  Everything just feels really really sluggish, much more than 12 Hotfix 1 ....

My current scene isn't that heavy, I isolated a plane to test the shader on it (a pavement), no displacement, so a simple plane and a hdri, it took IR about 3 minutes to kick into action ...

2024-12-12, 02:58:36
Reply #1


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Not happening here...
Everything's working as expected I'd say except for a few bugs, but nothing serious.

2024-12-12, 16:51:38
Reply #2


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I encountered crazy mouse lag during IR and also when doing anything in SME.  But oddly I experienced (milder) mouse lag even without IR running, even just running the mouse over a complex object in the viewport would cause slight lag.  I downgraded pretty fast back to the July 30 DB which didn't have those problems and then from there to HF 1 which, for me, performs the same as that DB.  I didn't upgrade my nodes or do any major rendering with 12.1 so I can't speak to rendertimes, the lag was a dealbreaker for me and I have deadlines :)

I hope they figure out what's going on with 12.1.  Cheers,

2024-12-12, 17:00:42
Reply #3


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I'm stuck in the past on both Max and Corona but judging from the posts here I think you should be adding info on which Max versions you are using, too. It looks like Max is not getting the QA that it needs/deserves and there could be issues with Max' internal notification system (there were some in the past) that could interfere with how a renderer accesses the API. For example, a seemingly simple thing like hardware hit testing in the viewports for example could slow down IR quite a lot.

2024-12-12, 17:11:33
Reply #4


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I'm stuck in the past on both Max and Corona but judging from the posts here I think you should be adding info on which Max versions you are using, too. It looks like Max is not getting the QA that it needs/deserves and there could be issues with Max' internal notification system (there were some in the past) that could interfere with how a renderer accesses the API. For example, a seemingly simple thing like hardware hit testing in the viewports for example could slow down IR quite a lot.

I'm using Max 2024 (latest update), the only thing that has changed each time is the last few versions of Corona.  So that makes Corona the common denominator?

2024-12-12, 17:13:42
Reply #5


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I'm stuck in the past on both Max and Corona but judging from the posts here I think you should be adding info on which Max versions you are using, too. It looks like Max is not getting the QA that it needs/deserves and there could be issues with Max' internal notification system (there were some in the past) that could interfere with how a renderer accesses the API. For example, a seemingly simple thing like hardware hit testing in the viewports for example could slow down IR quite a lot.

I use Changsoo's script for GPU hit testing and so far I didn't notice any slowdown.

Max 2025.3, Win 11 24H2, Corona 12 U1.
Ryzen 9950x, GTX 1080ti

2024-12-12, 17:14:58
Reply #6


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I encountered crazy mouse lag during IR and also when doing anything in SME.  But oddly I experienced (milder) mouse lag even without IR running, even just running the mouse over a complex object in the viewport would cause slight lag.  I downgraded pretty fast back to the July 30 DB which didn't have those problems and then from there to HF 1 which, for me, performs the same as that DB.  I didn't upgrade my nodes or do any major rendering with 12.1 so I can't speak to rendertimes, the lag was a dealbreaker for me and I have deadlines :)

I hope they figure out what's going on with 12.1.  Cheers,

Exactly this, I've not used SME since forever, I hate it.  But the lag in this latest Corona is unbearable.  It's the first time I've been tempted to roll back a release.  I think as soon as my current project is over then I will be.

2024-12-12, 17:15:32
Reply #7


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I'm stuck in the past on both Max and Corona but judging from the posts here I think you should be adding info on which Max versions you are using, too. It looks like Max is not getting the QA that it needs/deserves and there could be issues with Max' internal notification system (there were some in the past) that could interfere with how a renderer accesses the API. For example, a seemingly simple thing like hardware hit testing in the viewports for example could slow down IR quite a lot.

I'm using Max 2024 (latest update), the only thing that has changed each time is the last few versions of Corona.  So that makes Corona the common denominator?
What hardware?

2024-12-12, 17:19:40
Reply #8


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i9 13900KS, 192GB DDR5, RTX 4090

2024-12-13, 07:58:16
Reply #9


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I'm getting a slow down in general too, the max viewport just feels sluggish and mouse cursor is sometimes ghosting due to latency. Interactive rendering just seems slow to refresh..

I looked into the task manager. can anyone tell me what this is for (see attachment) and why are there multiple instances of it? It's tied to Corona Renderer.

2024-12-13, 11:42:57
Reply #10


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Guessing based on the process name, when you google it, you'll find it's a Qt-related library ('A QWidget-based Web View Component Integrated with CEF').
Maybe related to the new VFB, or other parts of Corona which uses it for Qt-based UI components.

2024-12-14, 08:47:30
Reply #11


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I got sudden memory leak sometimes while using IR rendering. It seems many people get this problem also. Hope they fix it.
« Last Edit: 2024-12-14, 08:51:46 by Chatchawind »

2024-12-16, 04:57:44
Reply #12


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Our whole team is getting the mouse lag issue too in IR and Viewport. it's really affecting our productivity.

We're running 12900K's and Quadro RTX4000 cards and never had this issue till 12.1

I encountered crazy mouse lag during IR and also when doing anything in SME.  But oddly I experienced (milder) mouse lag even without IR running, even just running the mouse over a complex object in the viewport would cause slight lag.  I downgraded pretty fast back to the July 30 DB which didn't have those problems and then from there to HF 1 which, for me, performs the same as that DB.  I didn't upgrade my nodes or do any major rendering with 12.1 so I can't speak to rendertimes, the lag was a dealbreaker for me and I have deadlines :)

I hope they figure out what's going on with 12.1.  Cheers,

2024-12-17, 14:52:24
Reply #13


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Ryzen 9950x, 96 gb ram, Max 2025.3, Win 11 24H2, Corona 12 U1.
Same here, sudden memory leak sometimes while using IR rendering, mostly happen when render by zone.
Also If enable XMP memory profile in bios FB starts frezz druing IR or producation render, but if disable it everyinng ok.

2024-12-20, 10:47:16
Reply #14


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Weird mouse lag here as well, sometimes it just moves where it wants and I can`t do anything. In IR, in SME, over a more complex object, so all of what has been said above. Everything worked fine until this update.
And the biggest problem is that if I install Corona 12 HF1 the scene won`t start, 3dsmax ( 2024, updated) will crash while loading the scene. And it did that even when the scene was under 9 mil poly which is pretty light for how I work :d
This time updating was such a big mistake