Author Topic: Corona to GLB  (Read 7198 times)

2025-01-07, 12:53:42
Reply #15

James Vella

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I think the uv mapping is being lost in the export. Is this possible?

I dont think so, difficult to tell without seeing the process myself however you can double check the uv's by importing the glb into blender.

What I assume is happening is something along the lines of - without textures the id's are blank. One of the requirements for glb files is basecolor,metal,ao,normal,rough textures (or ORM packed textures). So I assume if those are missing that channel will become 'blank' (instead of unassigned). Just a theory without seeing your workflow or how your js environment imports the data.

Attached an example of missing base color on a glb (when checked in windows 3d viewer)
« Last Edit: 2025-01-07, 13:16:10 by James Vella »

2025-01-07, 14:52:48
Reply #16


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Hi James, and thanks again.

So I think I have confirmed that it is losing it's UV mapping thanks to

Attached are the reports for the export with the texture map applied...

And this is the export without the texture...

I'll keep digging, but I think this is a 3dsmax related issue.
Nicolas Pratt
Another Angle 3D

2025-01-07, 16:02:56
Reply #17

James Vella

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Did you try import into blender and check the uv's. I see in your second image no id's for texture (since there are none).

Also, what happens when you assign a default gltf material and export (with no textures)?
« Last Edit: 2025-01-07, 16:09:13 by James Vella »

2025-01-07, 16:25:36
Reply #18


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Did you try import into blender and check the uv's. I see in your second image no id's for texture (since there are none).

Also, what happens when you assign a default gltf material and export (with no textures)?

tbh I'm trying to avoid blender (I don't use it, and don't want to incorporate another software into my process).

But yes, that's what I was trying to show - it exported without UV's. The one without UV's was indeed exported with your script with a default gltf material (with no textures).

I do see that exporting from blender to gltf has the tickbox option to export UV mapping even when exporting with no materials/texturees. I guess we're just missing this from Max...
Nicolas Pratt
Another Angle 3D

2025-01-07, 16:45:05
Reply #19

James Vella

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You dont need to learn blender, you can just click file>import and then click the UV tab at the top, would be a fast way to just rule it out.

I have exported glb's that use color instead of texture that work just fine but probably not in the same use case as you. The video in my first post on this thread you see me do it with glass and metal objects.

If you want just upload your 2 test glb's I can take a look.
« Last Edit: 2025-01-07, 16:49:08 by James Vella »

2025-01-07, 18:04:31
Reply #20


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You dont need to learn blender, you can just click file>import and then click the UV tab at the top, would be a fast way to just rule it out.

I have exported glb's that use color instead of texture that work just fine but probably not in the same use case as you. The video in my first post on this thread you see me do it with glass and metal objects.

If you want just upload your 2 test glb's I can take a look.

Ah, apologies, perhaps I misrepresented the problem.

Just to confirm; The mesh imports fine, I just can't apply a baked texture map on a BasicMaterial to the model.

Thanks for the offer. I might take you up on it and upload some files shortly.

Nicolas Pratt
Another Angle 3D