this looks like another of various issues with my 'beloved' CoronaBitmap. Original scene save:
INF: [18684] [50788] File save duration. Excluding pre/post save callbacks: 20 seconds. Including callbacks: 20 seconds.
After converting all CoronaBitmaps to standard Bitmap:
[18684] [50788] File save duration. Excluding pre/post save callbacks: 1 seconds. Including callbacks: 1 seconds.
Good Luck
If you have the scene it hand were this can be reproduced, please send it over and we will investigate it.
Afaik even with OOC textures Off, some hard drive read/write actions are being done.
Nevertheless, no slowdowns (even more such drastic) are expected, so we will be happy to investigate this.
Some reproduction steps, like, Create 10 Bitmaps with different 2k textures, apply (or maybe applying is not needed) to objects, save, check saving times.
And then teh same with CoronaBitmaps.