Writing again for better visibility:
This issue mostly happens when there is a object with volumetrics enabled material above the camera, which is not enclosed (has borders) - in theory this is not supported, as volumetric materials should have an enclosed volume, to be calculated based on.
Corona uses material based medium resolving, and this causes to misinterpret the medium. Possible workaround may be to turn off material based medium resolving in development/experimental settings, correct the mesh or disable volumetric settings in the material.
Please check if this was the case, again, for you and confirm. Feel free to share if the workarounds work as well.
I'm pretty sure the issue was with the glass material on the windows of the tram model. Windows were just 1 plane (no thickness or maybe some xform/scale issue). While I appreciate the explanation of the technicalities, I think for a user perspective, it would be amazing if some warning of this was implemented, in Corona, to notify the user if a material or object had this issue when rendering started.
Kind of like the warning we get if a normal map is using wrong settings. Maybe it was possible for Corona to point to object/material name of the object that has the issue, so we can much faster troubleshoot and edit it ourselves. Unless that means it has to run a check on all objects in the scene to check for if it has a thickness, if not, check if a material with any Media Options is enabled. That might take a while on big scenes no? Then maybe it could be a script in the corona converter. OR maybe I'm overreacting as not that many people have had this issue? :)
So most probably the thin glass model had volumetrics enabled, which caused it.
We have thought about warning about this but it is not as straightforward as e.g. normal map warning. With normal map gamma, it can be pinpointed easily, while it is not easy to check for all scene objects, constantly, if there is a non-enclosed volume object which has volumetrics enabled material. I believe we have added this as a case for black rendering/no rendering helpdesk articles we have. On the other hand, in some cases this can be a desired faking of an effect (when camera is not under such object, but facing towards it).
For overreacting - I think there is possibility of it :)
On simpler terms, this is closer to being a user mistake, as when applying/enabling volumetrics for an object, you need to make sure that it is modeled accordingly. Imagine applying CoronaVolumeMtl to a single plane.
I can write a script for you if this happens often in your case, the script will go through all objects (may be slow), check if they have borders (are not enclosed) and have volumetrics enabled material, then select them, so you can quickly troubleshoot/fix them.