If you are using V-Ray, then the Corona forum and the Corona support team are not the right ones. Of course, if the V-Ray team finds out that the issue is somehow related to Corona, we will communicate internally.
The ticket #252693 seems to be related to another topic and it is already closed ("A call for help from Chaos' Research and Development").
As I explained before, please start a new support ticket, explain what exactly the issue is, and attach the problematic scene here:
https://support.chaos.com/hc/en-us/requests/newI am sorry, but otherwise we will not be able to help you.
"Corona Assets" means anything that is related to the Corona plugin. If you would uninstall Corona, then those assets would not load at all, or would load as unsupported.
As far as I know, the option in Prune Scene only removes the missing HD/UHD Cache files and LUTs, nothing else.
I don't think we need to discuss this any further. Once you submit the new support ticket, this issue will be handled by the dedicated team.