Hi Maru,
we are not aware of any similar reports
we had some similar reports in the past which were related to iToo
I can confirm (equal or) longer loading times with Corona 10, depending on the scene. Tested with 3 standard scenes, mixed results:
Scene A (Some CBitbaps in the scene that I missed to eliminate or have been in Xreffed scenes/objects)
3:18 - Corona 9
5:09 - Corona 10
Scene A (Cbitmaps converted to std Bitmaps)
2:45 - Corona 9
3:12 - Corona 10
Scene B
2:41 - Corona 9
2:51 - Corona 10
Scene C
2:51 - Corona 9
2:53 - Corona 10
Out of core cache has been off, there are Xreffed scenes/objects in all scenes and yes - Itoo stuff as well. Everything loaded via network/UNC, using Max 2023.
Viewport settings should not make any difference since all viewport stuff starts after loading the scene. The time values are those reported by Max in the log, that is: the difference between the #filePreOpen and the #filePostOpen event.
Btw: And again CoronaBitmap making things worse.
Btw2: That more or less persistent "loading Corona assets" message is just some UI issue imho: Corona seems to use the "TempPrompt" of Max (I use it in scripts as well) and it just does not get cleared by some new message, in this case the last queued string just stays there.
Good Luck