Thanks for the info. Interesting.
I do remember some discussion about shared items when sending jobs out to render farms. So in this case, I dropped the two materials in question into a new scene. In the wood material on the left, would the three nodes I have selected be considered shared since their output is sent to three places? I tried duplicating those three and linking the copied to the other two nodes, but the textures were still broken.
With my limited knowledge on this, it does not appear that the metal material on the right has any shared shaders, correct? Yet that material also breaks. Is sharing shaders only a Corona thing, or is that common in node editors? Curious if this is a Corona-only problem, or could it also be a Cinema 4D issue? Does Max have this problem too?
I have also sent The PixelLab an e-mail with this problem, but I will do a follow-up with the shared items issue. Maybe they can update the pak until a solution is found.