We used to get a Corona licence and 3 render nodes, after almost 5 years and an additional 90€ we get no more render nodes and no floating licence. So we are asked another 96€ to get a floating licence back and another 119€ to get an additional render node.
You used to pay 232€ in 2018 to 537,6€ in 2022 for one licence and a RN. That is not even taking into account that we used to get 3 render nodes.
The fact that I get to keep my nodes when paying a premium subscription is not really a consolation, to me the Premium subscription has no value at all. What is the point of Phoenix? Do your clients ask you to destroy their hotel complex with a Tsunami or put their furniture on fire? Mine do not, but maybe I just don’t have fancy enough clients.
Chaos Cosmos and Player? What are they and why would anyone use them? You can’t open a CoronaEXR in the Player so what is it meant to do? Anyone working with any kind of animation is using a Postproduction tool, so this Player is not worth any money because it does not solve any problems you were having in the first place. And then there is Chaos Scans, which might be something you could use but again, why did we need it? If we wanted to pay for Scans we would have done so in the past. We didn’t and we won't.
So I am very frustrated by the prospect of paying more money because of an obvious pricing structure geared towards getting the last cent out of customers and trying to make it seem like we get additional value out of it. In reality we are asked to pay an additional 50% to keep the software and features we used to get. And the more licences you own, the higher that cost to keep them because you have to pay an additional 50% for every licence.
At least Itoo is still around and keeps their promise. I suggest everyone pay for Forest or Railclone, otherwise we will be paying for Chaos Scatter in a few years when they announce the Ultra Premium Pro subscription.
Sorry for the people reading this. You are certainly not directly responsible for the new pricing structure.
For all the monthly subsribers, I feel for you.