Author Topic: CoronaPattern playground!  (Read 78282 times)

2024-09-06, 09:48:08
Reply #180

Aram Avetisyan

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Is there a way to alternate "flip" the coronapattern on an object? I.e. the way floorgenerator plugin works where it can flip boards randomly. So every now and then, my panel would flip on x or y axis to give more randomization?

I found the rotate function and set increments, but it doesn't give the result i'm after. I'm trying to do something like these facade panels (attached). Could probably get the effect I want by dividing the object and flip the UV mapping in some areas, but it would be very tedious and loose the flexibility coronapattern offers.

Also, I can't seem to get the "auto-gen caps" function to do anything (example attached).

And I'm having issues with seems. The object it's "scattered on" is fully welded in the corner, but I still get this result (attached)


Generating caps works just like as if you used slice, and then cap holes modifier. Maybe it is capping, but you have shell modifier and it caps just the shell/thickness part. If you have the patter as a volume (rather than as a sheet of metal), it should work.

For flow/integrity of the pattern - as probably you have different faces at the intersection, the "cut" at the corner is expected, unless you play around with the height and offset of pattern to make it invisible. Another option will be to make a little chamfer at the corner (to smooth the transition) and check the UVs of the chamfered part.

Hope this helps.
Aram Avetisyan |
Chaos Corona QA Specialist | contact us

2024-09-09, 13:54:32
Reply #181


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Is there a way to alternate "flip" the coronapattern on an object? I.e. the way floorgenerator plugin works where it can flip boards randomly. So every now and then, my panel would flip on x or y axis to give more randomization?

I found the rotate function and set increments, but it doesn't give the result i'm after. I'm trying to do something like these facade panels (attached). Could probably get the effect I want by dividing the object and flip the UV mapping in some areas, but it would be very tedious and loose the flexibility coronapattern offers.

Also, I can't seem to get the "auto-gen caps" function to do anything (example attached).

And I'm having issues with seems. The object it's "scattered on" is fully welded in the corner, but I still get this result (attached)


Generating caps works just like as if you used slice, and then cap holes modifier. Maybe it is capping, but you have shell modifier and it caps just the shell/thickness part. If you have the patter as a volume (rather than as a sheet of metal), it should work.

For flow/integrity of the pattern - as probably you have different faces at the intersection, the "cut" at the corner is expected, unless you play around with the height and offset of pattern to make it invisible. Another option will be to make a little chamfer at the corner (to smooth the transition) and check the UVs of the chamfered part.

Hope this helps.

So it's recommended that the object we use pattern on, to have a thickness and not just be a single plane?

Good tip with chamfering the corner, will give that a go.
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2024-09-09, 15:38:03
Reply #182

Aram Avetisyan

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So it's recommended that the object we use pattern on, to have a thickness and not just be a single plane?

Not quite, maybe even the contrary. Remember the auto-caps are generated only when cropbox intersects the pattern node, other holes are not capped.
Having thickness on the base objects, thus, depends on the case.
Aram Avetisyan |
Chaos Corona QA Specialist | contact us

2024-12-10, 14:51:26
Reply #183


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    • Another Angle 3D
Not sure if this has been discussed, but it'd be really good if the viewport behavior of objects with CoronaPattern applied is different.

If I click on an object with CoronaPattern applied and press Z (or zoom) to zoom on this object I get a zoom to BOTH the object and the pattern object.

Sometimes the pattern object is 1000's of units away from the object it is applied to and I cannot properly zoom. It's very frustrating behavior.

Food for thought. Thanks.
Nicolas Pratt
Another Angle 3D

2024-12-11, 06:51:17
Reply #184

Aram Avetisyan

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Not sure if this has been discussed, but it'd be really good if the viewport behavior of objects with CoronaPattern applied is different.

If I click on an object with CoronaPattern applied and press Z (or zoom) to zoom on this object I get a zoom to BOTH the object and the pattern object.

Sometimes the pattern object is 1000's of units away from the object it is applied to and I cannot properly zoom. It's very frustrating behavior.

Food for thought. Thanks.

It has been in my mind since the very first implementation of pattern.
Unfortunately it is a 3ds Max limitation (how zoom to selected works) we can do nothing about.
Aram Avetisyan |
Chaos Corona QA Specialist | contact us

2024-12-11, 13:14:38
Reply #185


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Not sure if this has been discussed, but it'd be really good if the viewport behavior of objects with CoronaPattern applied is different.

If I click on an object with CoronaPattern applied and press Z (or zoom) to zoom on this object I get a zoom to BOTH the object and the pattern object.

Sometimes the pattern object is 1000's of units away from the object it is applied to and I cannot properly zoom. It's very frustrating behavior.

Food for thought. Thanks.

It has been in my mind since the very first implementation of pattern.
Unfortunately it is a 3ds Max limitation (how zoom to selected works) we can do nothing about.

Thanks for the reply.


Ok, another one for you; It seems when I have an object with CoronaPattern applied I can't properly do a 'crtl' drag and copy. It makes a dupe, but it doesn't place it where I want and it inactivates the 'Select and Move' tool.

See attached. Any thoughts if this can be fixed to expected behavior?

Nicolas Pratt
Another Angle 3D

2024-12-11, 14:20:26
Reply #186

Aram Avetisyan

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The above is definitely a bug, thanks for bringing it up.

I reproduced it and it is reported now.
The solution is to select an object which does not have CoronaPatternMod applied, and then select object with pattern. The select and move will work fine afterwards.

(Report ID=CMAX-1430)
« Last Edit: 2024-12-11, 14:32:08 by Aram Avetisyan »
Aram Avetisyan |
Chaos Corona QA Specialist | contact us

2024-12-11, 15:20:13
Reply #187


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The above is definitely a bug, thanks for bringing it up.

I reproduced it and it is reported now.
The solution is to select an object which does not have CoronaPatternMod applied, and then select object with pattern. The select and move will work fine afterwards.

(Report ID=CMAX-1430)

Excellent! Thank you :)
Nicolas Pratt
Another Angle 3D

2025-01-03, 17:12:40
Reply #188


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Corona Pattern can now use the mapping channel of the base object, or the pattern node, OR BOTH. Why is this big news? Mainly because it was not possible before and it allows for creating things like carpets where each of the pattern nodes has its own texture (e.g. diffuse color, bump, or other property) and the base geometry has another one.

It's already available in the daily builds -

It can be a bit tricky to set up, so I am attaching a sample scene.

Hi all,
I'm not sure I understand how this works. The texture for the base object with a uv channel of 3 is controlled by a uvw map with a uv channel 1 in my tests, while the second texture has a uv channel of 2 and it's controlled by the uv's of the pattern object, even when the actual uv channel is 1 as well. It's weird, no?

2025-01-03, 17:59:29
Reply #189

Aram Avetisyan

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Hi all,
I'm not sure I understand how this works. The texture for the base object with a uv channel of 3 is controlled by a uvw map with a uv channel 1 in my tests, while the second texture has a uv channel of 2 and it's controlled by the uv's of the pattern object, even when the actual uv channel is 1 as well. It's weird, no?


It is a bit confusing, indeed, but given the limitations of 3ds Max it was the only way to implement it. We tried to make this as clear as possible with the tooltip. Please find the technical information there, it should be enough to get it working. Let me know if you manage to do so.
Aram Avetisyan |
Chaos Corona QA Specialist | contact us

2025-01-03, 18:21:33
Reply #190


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 but given the limitations of 3ds Max it was the only way to implement it.

I figured. Nothing wrong with that. I just wanted to make sure I was in the right path or maybe I was missing something. Thanks.