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Messages - mlon

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
We resolved this yesterday.
Here are the steps needed to fix this issue.
Maybe others are helped with this info if they face the same problem.

Uninstall the Chaos license server and remove any remaining files from the following folder (you can copy and paste the address in Windows Explorer): %appdata%\Chaos\VRLService\ssl
Afterwards, download and install the latest Chaos license server 6 from the following page:
Go to the Chaos License server page (http://localhost:30304), enable your Online licensing.


[C4D] General Discussion / Re: LWF - Once more with love
« on: 2023-09-12, 11:37:30 »
Sorry to dig up an old thread but i am having the same difficulties and tedious workflow trying
to set some textures to linear and others not (srgb).  Not touching solid colors (srgb).
I am finding corona assets also set to the wrong profiles at random.
Sometimes they are set embedded at linear and again others in srgb or just srgb but render too dark.

Also when I change to profiles to linear the material previews are too brightly displayed.

Is there a better solution to this i am missing?
Or are there scripts that checks profiles and if wrong set them to linear or vice versa for use in Corona?

This way as it is now it is really difficult to get MAX like renders in Corona and takes up allot of time.
Some help would be appreciated.


Hey thanks for the replies pokoy! :)
Yes, i hope this can be resolved soon because i need to get going.
Deadlines don't shift.
I contacted support but no reply yet.



Now also my other machine stopped working just now.
I clicked 'convert scene' and then the popup no active license found.

This time with another issue when retrying..
-198: All the licenses for this product are currently engaged.

Now i can do nothing and i need to work on stuff!!

The online license server gives me a green al is fine icon
and no active sessions...

That said... i remember my other pc (the first one) also gave
me troubles when i clicked 'convert scene' after that all went sour.

Now i am truly STUCK!! HELP!


Also this machine does not display on the License server page anymore when i check via my online chaos account.
It did show before I deleted it to see if i could relogin and activate. Nope.
Somewhere something is stuck.
I do see 2 other machine but not the one i need to work on now.

Oh and i just tried borrowing but that also did not work.
Succesfully uploaded but no sugar.


Hey there,

i uninstalled everything (6 or 7 seperate (ehm..) uninstalls...corona/chaos stuff) and deleted all chaos folders etc.
Reinstalled but to no avail. Somehow it sees this pc as not part of my license scheme or something even when i am
logged out. Logging in again also does nothing.
Whatever i do the license server page keeps displaying 'no licenses a avaiable'.

I have it also installed on another pc (same room same network) and there it works.
So far i have no idea whats causing this. This worked all fine before.


Hi there,

I dont know what to do.
Nothing changed and suddenly it stopped working.
I updated Corona install and that did not help either.

ticket #152882


But when you did not use or are unable to use the archive option (new clean pc, different location, whatever reason) an option to mass download
the proxies used in a scene would be really useful and a timesaver.

Hi, yes i wondered about this as well.

It would be handy to have a 'Download asset from library' button in the corona proxy menu
so it downloads the used asset from the Chaos Cosmos library.


There is another free pack at Maxtree if you sign up for their newsletter.


Yes, i agree babumbol.
I didnt expect it to go sour this quickly after Chaos takeover
and i do feel bad for the originators because i felt their great
attitude towards their community and love for the product.
It's now just business as usual and they can't go back.


I just got an email from Chaos with 'Service Information'.
This clarifies a little bit and should be send before the 'subscription change' email an hour ago.


Hey there,

i just got this weird and uninformative email concerning price changes.

"This is to let you know that your subscription pricing has changed.

Product: Corona Renderer for Cinema 4D - FairSaaS - 1 WS + 3 NODES (12 months)

New price: 289.99 EUR
Price for the first month: 418.80 EUR"

New price : 289,99..  for what, no info?
418,80 first month?? huh?

I logged into my account and noticed i am on premium??
Never did i ordered this, so whats the deal here?


[C4D] I need help! / Re: Shadow Catcher material too bright
« on: 2021-11-15, 18:28:40 »
Thanks for the suggestion j.nosh but i don't see how that would work.

mmarcotic, i will see if i can make a test scene once i finish this job.
Currently i just use a diffuse material on camera projection and tuned it manually
and not use the shadow catcher material at all.


[C4D] I need help! / Shadow Catcher material too bright
« on: 2021-11-14, 14:23:54 »
Hey there,

im trying to setup a project with backplate (background) but the same image used as
the background in the shadowcatcher is rendering brighter than the background.
How can i fix this?


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