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Messages - Peter A.

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Hmm, I can understand a price jump because of the general way of things these days, plus Chaos Cosmos included. But a 44% increase is quite alot (From 289,99EUR to 418,80EUR)
And this is only if I keep paying every year, or else we're talking an increase that's just wild(Solo + rendernode pricing)

I think an open dialogue and breakdown/reasoning behind this decision would be welcomed. Seems like we're getting the short end of the stick right now.

Very well said!

For now, see (link removed as it was just temporary to inform people of what was happening during the site and product wide updates) - can't get the full picture til all the information is out (and as Ondra noted, due to some things we couldn't control, the sequence of things going out was not as we wanted, which is why it seems confusing, sorry)

Thank you Tom! Glad to have you here!


Just got an email from Chaos Support with notification of Corona Subscription changes.
This is a bit confusing, stating that I will get one month of some Corona Premium for current price of 24,99 Eur (excl tax). After that, they say I will be charged 59,90 Eur (excluding tax).

I do not plan to pay double price, as we were told that price for long-term users will not change until we cancel current subscription.

Also, there is an offer of Corona Solo sub. plan (license fixed to one computer), but there is no info about pricing. I also cannot see anything about it in my account overview.

In general, a lot is happening with Corona but the process is CHAOS. Can somebody clarify the situation?

Thank you in advance.


[Max] I need help! / Re: Large Carpet
« on: 2021-07-01, 18:56:36 »
I looks great, cant wait for the final thing.

By the way, where did you got the carpet preset ? I'm trying to install it from the library but there's only the legacy materials. (already tried from the Corona7 RC4 dropbox)

In 3ds max I loaded library.mat located in C:\Program Files\Corona\materials. You can find the carpet preset in Fabrics category.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Large Carpet
« on: 2021-06-30, 10:01:18 »
Hi all,

thank you for the comments and feedback. I used pre-made Carpet Low Beige material from Corona Material Library. Just replaced displacement map with custom one - see attachment. It's rough and not seamless (but you get the idea), I will post final version asap. If you zoom in, you'll notice soft noise on light parts of the texture - this is to give soft fuzziness. I also altered displacement and SSS values to gain required look. Displacement Screen Size is 0,6 px.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Large Carpet
« on: 2021-06-28, 10:13:02 »
I would say that's pretty close match to the reference. You can scatter tiny hairs on top if you want it to be even closer.

Actually, I already did, but somehow it's not visible. Need to play with it a bit more.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Large Carpet
« on: 2021-06-28, 00:03:53 »
Update - based on Carpet preset from Corona Material Library. Used custom displacement map. Quite happy with this look and feel.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Large Carpet
« on: 2021-06-25, 15:21:49 »
Thank you all for the tips and guides. Here is a previews of latest revisions. It's pure Corona Displacement. Shoes are placeholders. I guess I'll need to make carpet more fluffy and soft, but I think I'm on the right track. What's your opinions, guys?

[Max] I need help! / Re: Large Carpet
« on: 2021-06-24, 17:09:10 »
Thank you so much! I knew about Picksells rug and seems like this is exactly what I need. Just purchased model and I'm really curious about the results.

Thank you!

[Max] I need help! / Re: Large Carpet
« on: 2021-06-22, 20:36:03 »
It's related to carpet cleaner product. I need to show cleaner machine directly on carpet. There will be close-ups to machine parts and carpet will be part of the pictures.

[Max] I need help! / Large Carpet
« on: 2021-06-22, 16:29:35 »
Hello All,

I'm trying to re-create this large, wall-to-wall carpet:

I'm stuck on this task. Besides distant full room views, I need to render close-ups as on the picture above. I tried everything - Max Hair, Corona displacement, Corona Scatter. None of these give at least good results.

Any ideas?

Thank you in advance.


One thousand and one thanks! Working perfectly!

p.s.: I have no clue why it was disabled, I never change any Corona system settings.


I have never had any issue with material editor while working with interactive rendering. But today I got this: "Preview disabled in interactive". See attachment. Am I stupid or what is going on here?

Thank you! Looking forward what you come up with :)

Dear Corona Team,

When working with multiple Lightmix settings, I often switch between configs and often I forget which config is currently loaded. What about adding displaying loaded config name in side panel?

Something like this.


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