« on: 2022-10-25, 04:43:49 »
I like setting up materials with nodes-- in other renderers for C4D like Redshift or Octane, I can simply double click on a material and it will open up the node editor for that material. It's super fast and intuitive. I find the workflow in Corona a bit confusing, and I'm wondering how other people use it properly.
Based on watching the video on the Corona Youtube channel and my experience with Corona so far, it seems like the only way to use the node editor is to open it up manually, then manually drag and drop the desired material in, then start working; when finished, you delete those nodes from the editor. If you want to edit that material again later, you have to repeat all this. Alternatively, if you simply leave your materials in the node editor, it becomes a cluttered mess and is difficult to find anything you are looking to work on. You have to remember where you put any one material and manually navigate to it. Also when you have a number of materials on the canvas and drop a new material in, it will drop it on top of existing nodes and cause an overlapping mess.
I'm curious if people have a scene with a bunch of materials (ie any archviz scene), how do they work this way in an efficient manner?
Is there some way to set it up so that the node editor will only show one material at a time, more similar to the redshift/octane functionality?