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Messages - burnin

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[C4D] I need help! / Re: More fireflies in video render
« on: 2025-01-15, 20:18:26 »
The thing about "Highlight clamping" is that it clamps light contribution all over. So other parameters need to be balanced accordingly. It ain't magical solution.  Tho, from looks of it I suspect you got issues elsewhere... HDRI, highly reflective surfaces, caustics,... unreal values?

couple of tips:
- Keep it as close to physically accurate as possible.
- Learn  about 'Light painting' and 'multi-exposure' techniques commonly used in photography.

[C4D] I need help! / Re: More fireflies in video render
« on: 2025-01-10, 16:45:19 »
Also, get to know "Highlight clamping".

Unsure, but I believe 'Denoised' one uses different 'layer/pass' (under the hood). How would otherwise be possible to set value in post? IDK ;) ... In this regard, I'd love to see "DENOISED" in Multi-Pass.

BTW, you can "Gather data for later" (Denoise on demand after).

[C4D] I need help! / Re: Animated light gel materials
« on: 2025-01-08, 17:52:00 »
- Works with standard "Spot Light" and "Material" (Color/Luminance +Transparency channel; dark otherwise).
- Can take standard video formats (supported).
- Doesn't show in Corona's "Interactive View", but in standard "Interactive Render Region (Alt+R) it does.

Alternatively, you can simply use emissive decals ("Light Material"). 

Have fun.

Using 'gel' also works, but is blurry and bit more noisy.

« on: 2024-12-29, 16:14:32 »
Note, there's never 100% parity.
Easiest thing is baking it.

Hardware / Re: Color space/mode
« on: 2024-12-27, 02:20:18 »
Nothing to stress about. OCIO main role is in VFX production (compositing). Where there's non-standard (un-Linear workflow - many different Camera Inputs & specific Display Outputs, with diverse artists/studio sets in between). Using it, user basically 'describes how elements/components talk to each other' with intention to keep (digital) 'Colour' consistency throughout whole pipeline/framework, making production more effective and cheaper.

Simply keep your LWF, know your white point value, let compositors master their stuff. And in this regard, best you can do is to provide/supply clean HDRIs. Unless requested otherwise, off course.

It's alike taking care of how HDRI color is mapped to 8bpc displays (sRGB) and/or prints, but in cinema/film industry

Since "color space" identifies a particular combination of the color model and the mapping function, the word is often used informally to identify a color model. However, even though identifying a color space automatically identifies the associated color model, this usage is incorrect in a strict sense. For example, although several specific color spaces are based on the RGB color model, there is no such thing as the singular RGB color space.
(source: wiki)

General CG Discussion / Re: Viewing/editing HDRI files
« on: 2024-12-19, 23:56:35 »
tev — The EXR Viewer   

Image viewer and comparison tool for graphics people.

    Lightning fast: starts up instantly, loads hundreds of images in seconds.
    Versatile: supports many file formats, tonemapping operators, error metrics, histograms, and pixel peeping.
    HDR: displays true HDR on Apple EDR displays.

Going back to the original topic, I spoke with someone from Blackmagic’s customer support, and he admitted the problem. He also noticed the difference in colors and contrast between the Color and Fusion pages on the Mac version.

Nice to know :)
Care to link threads...

Disclaimer:  I'm no photography pro and I far from have a deep technical understanding of it but ...

Surely you want your exposure to remain in the stack at a bare minimum.  Just like if taking a photo but plan on editing it in raw, you still expose the photo first and that's your starting point right?

It's something that always confuses me haha.  Especially that AcesOT +1 stop of exposure thing.

I'd love someone to point me in the direction of a tutorial where someone takes a linear render and tonemaps it in Fusion/Resolve (ideally Fusion) and gets it back looking similar to how it did in the Frame Buffer before disabling the stack.

The way I see it, if editing the linear untonemapped image is akin to editing a raw photo, then the frame buffer is akin to the screen on the back of your camera.  Its giving you a preview of the tonemapped raw render/photo.  You then take that render/photo into your editor of choice (fusion/lightroom etc) and tonemap it using the flexibility of the tools in that editor.  But my point is - your raw photo still relies on the exposure you set when taking the photo right?  I appreciate the idea of RAW is that you can alter whatever you want after the fact, but you still want as close to a correctly exposed starting point as possible right?

What am I missing?  I want to be educated .... hit me with it
Basics of HDR?

There's really no 'consumer' digital camera with HDRI sensor available. Last I checked, 14bpc was max. (?)
RAW is just standardized industry image capturing format but still 'lossy' (minimally processed) in this regard.
To create HDRI with consumer camera, multiple exposed shots need to be combined into single image.

Virtually, Corona engine processes light transporting simulation in parallel universes, either w/ Adobe RGB or ACES color space and depth of 32bpc. (Results highly depend on 'Creators' input).

So, to express intent, display 'vision' or just tele-vise idea, adapting all gathered information/data that is considered influential to another being's experience, using certain medium to best of abilities is must (Know thy tech/industry). Then, depending on capital/budget, results are cut, clamped and filtered down for 'big, lovely eyes' attention and consumption, to 8-12 bpc :) 
Here's where "Tone Mapping Operators" (docs) come to help.

Personally I use many different ones, depending on style I'm after and mood I'm in. Keeping it linear as much as possible and 'till the end is my preferred way. As for some shit and giggles comparison, IMhO, human vision's dynamic range surpasses 160bpc. Depending on food, mood, age, skill, tear and ware... But note that ALL OF THIS HERE is just discrete 'digital-shit' measure, excerpt from 'vision of reality' in an infinite analog spectrum. Avoid distractions. Fix ADHD w/ OCD. :P

[C4D] I need help! / Re: Random flashes with Corona Sun
« on: 2024-12-13, 19:06:34 »
Those are fireflies.
Here's a thread on how to: Get Rid of Fireflies in Animation

Don't get confused. Disabling whole stack simply avoids any manipulation/contamination. 

1 = 1

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Re: Corona Color Correct
« on: 2024-12-06, 13:21:13 »
IIRC, this one's ancient (also, when using Layers) - note, I haven't checked it in a long time.

[C4D] I need help! / Re: Lights and Glows in Masks
« on: 2024-12-06, 13:16:55 »
Simple test/study scene file would fare way better

nobody likes to recreate what someone else already did, just to solve their problem... (& am so foookin tired of observing this dumb 'mental-bloc' behavior all over)  - "ask your dentist's hair-dresser" :P

Reminds me how Sony contaminated/influenced music industry with its transistor and how digital tech revolutionized whole specter of production. After, new/alternative styles come to play. So, more power to creative souls and more 'beauty or shit' to throw around.
"De gustibus non est disputandum."

The more you know. ;)

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the delay in responding, but I’ve been doing quite a bit of testing.

I’m really struggling to achieve the results I’m aiming for and noticing a lot of discrepancies between how lights work in real life and how they behave in Corona. I’m sure this is partly due to my own lack of experience with 3D. I’ve worked on film sets for 15 years, so I know how to light a scene to get the results I want, but in Corona, I feel like a total beginner. I hope someone here can give me a hand—haha!

As for the pink/purple tint issue, I think I’ve managed to minimize it. However, I had to completely remove the background and rely on the VFB’s post-process settings. For now, the issue seems resolved, but I’m not confident I used the right approach—it might just be hidden for now and reappear when I change the lights or the set.

Another problem I’m facing now is the excessive reflection in the scene, which you can also see in the screenshot. This box (textured in Substance Painter, mainly because it’s easier for me to work with the PSD files from the graphic designer, which contain many masks and layers) is supposed to be made of paper, but paper doesn’t reflect light like this.

On top of that, I’m having trouble understanding how the “directionality” parameter for lights works. I’d like to create one light with sharper shadows and another with softer ones, but this parameter is confusing me. I can’t figure out which real-life property it’s supposed to emulate.

To summarize:

I think I’ve resolved the pink/purple issue for now.
I’m struggling with excessive reflections that alter the look of the scene.
The "directionality" parameter behaves in ways I don’t fully understand.

I’ve also attached my project file. Please don’t share the box design anywhere else, as it’s under a contract I signed,
Also, I can’t figure out how to share the project with the textures because every time I move it to another computer, it can’t find the textures. As I mentioned, I don’t have much experience with Cinema 4D, so I’m also attaching a zip file that includes them. (here's the texture, i don't have any other solution if not a wetransfer because they are too heavy )
Missed that, but anyways, previous post sums it pretty well.

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