Chaos Corona for Cinema 4D > [C4D] I need help!

Corona C4D Rendering Black Splotches


Hey everyone, We've recently run into a problem with our renders. one minute the file renders fine, then later when we come back to it after nothings changed in the file to our knowledge. The render starts to render with black blotches and specs everywhere. i saw something similar on the forum before but never saw a solution. Anyone know if its been addressed?

We've tried copying into a new file, that'll work sometimes but most of the time it comes back, we've tried removing the object that seems to cause it, but it latches on to something else.

Any help would be much appreciated.

It looks like NANs. Check this topic about NANs in C4D version and see if you'll be able to get help

Thanks for the reply, going try it out some of there suggestion.


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