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Messages - DanUh

Pages: [1]
[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: wxWidgets assertion failure
« on: Today at 10:29:38 »
I'm not able to reproduce the error
I'm using daily build Mar 5 2024 and 3ds Max 2024.2 on windows 11

[Max] Bug Reporting / wxWidgets assertion failure
« on: Yesterday at 13:26:14 »
I just got the following error message shortly after clicking the stop button in the vfb and afterwards trying to press the bloom and glare checkbox. 3ds max did not crash, but it would not recognize any clicks. after minimizing to tray and maximizing 3ds was back to working as usual. I'm not able to reproduce the error.
I found a similar report on the forum, but with me the filepath is somewhat strange as i dont have a drive E:\

I'm using daily build Mar 5 2024 and 3ds Max 2024.2 on windows 11

===== Error(-11) =====
An internal error occurred: wxWidgets assertion failure. Please, report this problem to us.
File: E:\CI\0\tmp\conan-windows\.conan\data\wxwidgets\3.1.5\legion\20231005\build\1a7ac7acb7e9c03781d9f84df91c9e49ad1f27e8\src\src\common\wincmn.cpp(3346)
Function: wxWindowBase::CaptureMouse
Condition: !wxMouseCapture::IsInCaptureStack(this)
Message: Recapturing the mouse in the same window?

Best, Daniel

I uploaded the zip including assets via dropbox, the file is named Is there anything else I can do to assist?


i just updated Corona V5 to 2020-06-18 dailybuild and the rendering process keeps crashing, Corona Error Message: LEGION_STOP @ C:\Corona\src\ShadingLib\UvMapper.h(238).
The scene originally was created using V4 if I recall correctly, but rendered mostly fine using V5 (I had some crashes, but as I was experimenting with tyflow I did not relate it to corona)
Please see the uploaded file: 1592584875_200619-tyflow-explode.max
Win 10, 18363.836
Max 2021 EDU (fresh install)
Corona V6-200618
Tyflow 0.16089

If you need any other information just let me know.
Best regards,


I dont quite get what front offset is exactly for? I just recognized in this particular render I set converge to 100m...I'll try what you suggested and report back. Thank you anyway!

EDIT: The sculpture is approx. 1.6m away, so I set converge to 2.0m. Looking at the statue now works better, but keystoning is quite strong . As stated in the previously linked article the "off-axis" camera rig would be an interesting try I think, exactly for interiors not being that huge...

I did some first tests regarding stereo panoramas and run into small problems. Firstly, I don't seem to get different results when altering eye separation; secondly objects rather close to the camera (approx. 1.6m) just won't work (see the attached images...). As far as I understand the available settings, corona is using an either converged or parallel setup, may it be possible and/ or a solution to my second problem to implement a third "off-axis" mode as discribed here: ?
My settings (Dailybuild Jan 10 2016):
Eye separation: 0.063m
Eye front offset: 0.08m
converge eyes unticked

Best regards

Pages: [1]