Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] I need help!

Can we have Alpha4 CPU benchmark scene for 3dsmax?


I for the life of me cannot figure out how I can render the benchmark in 3:29sec almost noise free, but for my own interior scenes it doesn't come out half as nice with more time.  I dissected the export.conf file to try to replicate the settings, but pretty much same, same.  If we can have the scene for 3dsmax that will help us all learn more on how to optimize a scene compared to guessing.

Ludvik Koutny:
It's just a really easy scene to render, that's all ;)

Not many lights, no high albedos (too bright materials), some portals used, not much area of indirect lighting and no complex materials. And twosided glass in windows so it does not slow down rendering.

Your scenes probably have some errors. Grab this:

Thanks guys for the info, I used the performance debugging, and got quite a lot better quality. I guess for animation I'm still going to have to wait for IR to be put back into corona. 


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