Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] I need help!

Fault Tolerant Heap and WSCommCntr4.exe error

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alessandro deana:
Hi everybody,
I have a problem with this corona error:

Windows enabled 'Fault Tolerant Heap' for 3dsmax or dependent processes. This may have severe performance impact on Corona. Please follow the link to learn how to solve the problem.
Affected executables are:

I already tried all the solutions you suggest in the help desk:

I tried to set both WSCommCntr4.exe and 3dsmax.exe run as administrator flag to on even if I am the admin of my workstation..This solution is suggested in the Autodesk help desk.

I tried to rename or remove the WSCommCntr4.exe from its directory.

Yesterday Corona was working fine.

Today I was just testing some batch render with 3dsmax command line and .bat files.
I just copied the .bat inside the 3ds max root folder and started it. It was working fine but suddenly the Fault Tolerant Heap appeared and now I can not fix it anymore.

Is there someone who can help me?

Thank you very much.

Hi, have you tried doing this? "3. Disabling FTH completely:"

Which executable is affected now? Is it WSCommCntr4.exe again?

If you rename or remove WSCommCntr, it should not happen again...

alessandro deana:
Hi Maru,
I re-installed 3ds Max, Corona and I cleaned all Autodesk folders.
I cleaned the registry too but the error is still there.

I tried all the solution in Corona Help Desk.
The third solution "Disabling FTH completely" is the only one that works but I am not sure I want to disable it for all programs!!
Actually I don't know what FTH does exactly but maybe it has some utility...

I tried to rename and remove WSCommCntr4.exe but it does not solve the problem.
I checked in the Event Viewer and the executable affected is always WSCommCntr4.exe and not 3ds max itself.

What do you think about that?

Thank you very much for your support!

FTH is a desperate attempt by Microsoft to make badly-written applications crash less. But there is a good reason why application crash - if you just let them run after crash (which is also really easy to do, and Autodesk is doing it with their Nitrous viewport drivers in 3ds max for example), you risk much bigger problems such as installation corruption, user data/files corruption, etc. It is safe to turn FTH off.

alessandro deana:
Hi Ondra,
Thanks for your explanation.
I don't know what happened because the FTH error message appeared suddenly without modifying anything...
Thanks again and see you in Venice next week!


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