Author Topic: Tonemapping Order/Behaviour  (Read 7793 times)

2024-12-17, 14:24:06
Reply #45


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Oh sorry missed the answer, thanks Juraj for bumping this one.

I've sent an example to Maru a (good) while ago, the discussion around the saturation operator has been around for some time now. In that specific case, a saturation value of 0.02 introduced a pinkish hue to an slightly warm white in clouds on a HDR texture. This was absolutely counter-intuitive and only one of the examples provided. We've been here before, and from the question to provide examples I can only assume whatever I sent and was discussed is lost...?

For what and how - may I simply suggest to try out, compare to other packages and make it behave reasonably. If it's not clear to support or developers within 10 seconds, no example I could send will make a difference.

Oh and the ideas portal - various users have requested a thousand things in the past and we were assured these are on the backlog, it's somewhat strange to ask us to a) re-submit as if we never did and b) expect that everything worthy of an update is going to get enough upvotes. Not everyone will understand the importance of certain requests but everyone will be happy when it's in. For some improvements/features I would expect the team to realize the importance themselves.

2024-12-17, 16:42:08
Reply #46


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a suggestion regarding saturation:
go to Resolve, save a lut from Color page - I’m sure you can find saturation adjustment that fits your needs.
use lut opacity, I think this should be enough.
no need to wait 5 more years.
Marcin Piotrowski

2024-12-17, 18:43:56
Reply #47

Aram Avetisyan

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No, I am pretty sure he just wants saturation to work like saturation does everywhere else :- ) Just compare what saturation levels do in Photoshop, Lightroom, iPhone editor, etc.. etc. Corona Saturation causes nuclear colors the moment the value is at "0.02" (which I presume would be 100perc. more saturation in some other apps..)

There is also Vibrance, which is saturation on scale (i.e it saturates primarily low-saturated tones to avoid over-saturating the ones which are already close to peak).

HDR vs SDR(LDL) is something different than Linear/Non-linear. The first refers to values outside of (0-1) values, the second if value is linear or on (gamma 2.2 for example) curve.
The majority of operators don't actually read the previous data correctly, they either clamp them back to (0-1) or ignore values outside of that range, I can't know how it works internally, but I can clearly see the result. Ondra suggested once labeling them into groups.

But that discussion went nowhere already 5 years ago..

But the Saturation should be easy fix. The current one is completely bonkers.

yes, HDR/LDR is surely different from linear/non-linear, it was mentionted to get to the correct terms for operator behavior and resulting values.
All operators work on the values before them, yes some of them (labeled as resulting in non-linear image in the tooltip) clamp the values to max 1.0, but it is possible to get above 1.0 values even after using a clamping operator (not necessarily the correct or wrong thing to do, but this is to show that operator behavior is based on the values passed to it).

I do agree with the radioactive values of saturation operator. White balance was improved (better adaptation algorithm) so hopefully saturation can be too, both the algorithm and value mapping.

Aram Avetisyan |
Chaos Corona QA Specialist | contact us