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Messages - pokoy

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 131
Do you happen to use a vdb file that has its resolution or version included as a numeric string in the filename at the end of the filename?
Something like '...v1', '...v2', '...v3' would cause the loader to interpret that as a sequence and repeat or loop it according to the vdb object's setting.

[Max] I need help! / Re: NEED HELP!! Opacity Material
« on: 2024-10-22, 12:25:24 »
It's possible procedurally but you need a special setup:
- copy (reference) the base shape
- select original shape, right click in the modifier list, choose 'Make Reference'
- now you can add different modifiers to both objects (above the reference line in the modifier window), while still being able to modify the base shape

Now you can use object B to drive opacity of object A by using a distance map and object B as the distance object.
Of course, you need to make sure the resulting geometry produces a valid result.

Keep in mind that on an extruded object, you will see both the front and back side of the object. You may need an additional setup to make sure the back faces are invisible, for example by using MatIDs (which could be automatically assigned when using a Shell modifier for example).

[Max] General Discussion / Re: MaterialX
« on: 2024-10-07, 18:06:00 »
Correct, nothing on the plan at the moment. For now Material X remains more for the movie / VFX industry than for archviz. We'll keep watching on how things develop there, of course. Thanks!
A nice side effect would be that it would mean easier material exchange between apps and renderers, same for USD. I have no idea where it stands technically right now but since it's based around physically plausible materials it fits the architectural market quite nicely, too (and Corona's own ideology).

Out of interest, what's the distinction between Archviz and VFX in your view? Would love to know how Corona developers/support look at it because from a user standpoint there really isn't one, even if I think really hard. The only thing I could think of that makes sense (and probably specifically for this thread) would be to manage user expectations :D

[Max] I need help! / Re: Crash on SME load
« on: 2024-10-02, 14:03:05 »
Also, have you seen this thread:;topicseen

If you have Vray mats in the scene, this might be the reason. Even if not, resetting the Slate views might help, there's a post on how to do it in that thread.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Crash on SME load
« on: 2024-10-02, 13:28:04 »
The minidump could be useful since it can point to the dll that is crashing Max. I once had a crash when opening the classic material editor and with the minidump, support was able to tell from it that the Bercon Gradient ramp dll was crashing Max.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Need help with glass material!
« on: 2024-09-24, 07:41:03 »
Use absorption color for this, absorption distance controls the strength (setting it to 0 will turn off the effect).

No, this doesn't interfere with the material UI in any way. The 'trick' (which is a workaround for a bug really, and only for a few Max versions where this was added) only applies when you hover the mouse pointer in a viewport and get close to geometry, it tries to determine where to put the orbit center, not related to UI performance for the material editor.

Do you render any other elements/passes that need any sort of shading/lighting, like diffuse or reflection pass?
FWIW, I never found the masking element to be instant. It's certainly faster than with shading, but definitely not instant.

I believe default windows 10/11 photoviewer app is not colour-managed and will display incorrectly.

What is the comparison when you open in Photoshop?
Right, Win10/11 photo viewer discard *any* embedded color profile (which is not present anyway in an image saved from Max) and applies some arbitrary contrast/levels operations to make images pop out.

If you upgraded from Win7 you probably have the old Win7 image viewer, use that one instead, or any other image viewer that shows original pixel values without any arbitrary enhancements.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Image Editing tonemapping error
« on: 2024-09-20, 10:47:04 »
Yes, CIE's fate seems shaky for some time now. Is there a plane on how to get it up to date and also provide some of the long requested abilities like better (UI based) batch/sequence editing, and more consistent denoising options? In fact, I'd take the features over a Qt rewrite.

What you say could be perfectly the case, however maybe it's only now correctly respecting the subsurface value. It's set to 0.0 in both screenshots, still it uses scattering in one version while it doesn't in the other. What happens if you set sub-surface to 1.0?

Win32 UI definitely *is* the bottleneck, no doubt here as well. Other factors might have an effect but nothing comes with a toll that heavy.

I think this one will work , let me know. I think the previous link was one that only worked for admin folks (we're still learning out way around the Portal :) ). The only login required would be the Chaos ID (so long as you are already logged in at, it shouldn't even ask you for a login on the Ideas Portal, in case you want to ensure you are only filling in your Chaos credentials on a Chaos site).
Yes, that one works - sent me straight to the Idea page (I was already logged in earlier today) - thanks!

...the Ideas Portal ...

FYI - the link sends me to a log in page that doesn't seem to be hosted on chaos sites.

That will be our first port of call when investigating, the Qt rewrite :) It will definitely speed things up overall, whether it resolves some or all of these particular slowdowns (that not everyone is experiencing), the tests will find out!
There's the problem where Max is getting slower with rising number of objects and materials in a scene - scenes with only 30 objects and 15 materials without many maps will not see much of a slowdown. Also, some users are relatively new to Max or unexperienced in general - they might not be able to properly judge what they're seeing.
In this thread, you're getting lots of responses from experienced users (who probably worked with different plugins and renderers in the past) who are seeing this and have reported this for a broad range of Max and Corona versions, so maybe there's some weighting needed whenever users post their experience.

Then there might be hardware issues, or plugins or even user error etc. I understand that looking at a broader picture might make sense.

Still, no reason to doubt the effectivity of using Qt if Autodesk themselves went with it specifically because the UI got slower and it was the only remedy. And moving on from an outdated and limiting framework, of course.

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