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Attachments - pokoy

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Filename Downloads Message Posted 708 Re: Anyone ever made a good mother of pearl material? 2020-10-18, 20:59:32 306 Re: Translucent plastic silicone tubing material, what is a good approach? 2020-09-09, 10:14:19
Silicone_Material_Screenshot.jpg 650 Re: Translucent plastic silicone tubing material, what is a good approach? 2020-09-09, 10:14:19 270 Re: Translucent plastic silicone tubing material, what is a good approach? 2020-09-08, 12:03:53
Silicone_Material.jpg 515 Re: Translucent plastic silicone tubing material, what is a good approach? 2020-09-08, 12:03:53
Silicone_Material_caustics.jpg 514 Re: Translucent plastic silicone tubing material, what is a good approach? 2020-09-08, 12:03:53 201 Crash with animated Particle object used in a Mesher Compound object 2020-04-22, 22:51:41 216 Crash with animated Particle object used in a Mesher Compound object 2020-04-22, 22:51:41 255 Re: Produce a detailed Height Map 2020-02-19, 11:59:28 391 Re: Shader: Glitter / Sequin (Pt.2) 2020-01-23, 16:05:48
Glitter_Material.jpg 1010 Re: Shader: Glitter / Sequin (Pt.2) 2020-01-23, 16:05:48 230 Max 2020 - Corona displays wrong OSL maps in the viewports with modified UVWs 2019-11-27, 19:26:59
Renders_Dome_vs_Spherical.jpg 426 Corona 4 HF1 - Corona Bitmap Dome Mode - Block Artifacts (not resolved since v3) 2019-09-16, 13:20:17 206 Corona 4 HF1 - Corona Bitmap Dome Mode - Block Artifacts (not resolved since v3) 2019-09-16, 13:20:17
3dsmax_minidump.dmp 265 Crash with Max 2019 / Corona 4 when mat-ed opens 2019-06-14, 20:03:21
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