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Topics - dfcorona

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Off-Topic / 3dsmax Geforce vs Quadro Multi Viewport Speed
« on: 2021-02-09, 21:42:22 »
Hi I know there are a ton of Geforce vs Quadro threads, information, even benchmarks. This is more specific question.  Usually all the benchmarks are one viewport benchmarked with different cards.  But who works that way... Usually you are using 4 viewports at once.  So my question is for using 4 or multi viewports at once. My viewports get quite sluggish with big scenes. Of course in max reducing the 4 viewports down to 1 helps speed a lot but who works that way.  You can also move the scenes out of the way for each viewport until you need that viewport to help speed.  But I noticed a while back using a Quadro that it seemed smoother when using all 4 viewports at once.  I do not have any Quadros anymore to test. Has anyone noticed that or can confirm that?  Also with Forest pro, has anyone noticed Quadros performing better?  I know it's mostly down to drivers.  I use a 2080ti right now with Geforce drivers, not the studio ones.  Just wondering if there is a noticeable speed improvement with Quadro in these areas that I mostly work. I was going to upgrade to a RTX 3090, but you know how that story goes right now.

Here are good benchmarks, but not what I'm asking.  I'm asking if they do better with multi-viewports, muti-tasks at once.

[Max] I need help! / Labels On Glass Issues
« on: 2021-01-27, 07:43:21 »

I have a vehicle I am rendering that has labels that need to go onto it's windows.  I did this by using CoronaLayeredMTL. Base layer is glass, other layers are labels that pair up with UVW Map modifier with different Map Channels.  I noticed it doesn't work if I use CoronaBitmap node with the b&w alpha channels for the masks.  If I use 3dsmax bitmap it works just fine.  But I also notice it darkens the panes of glass that have labels on them. I couldn't figure out why only the glass panes with labels were now darker.  Then I finally found that if you have "Thin (no refraction)" on like I always had it darkens the glass with labels. Turn "Thin (no refraction)" off and the panes with labels now render exactly like the ones without.  Of course now my renders take way longer with "Thin (no refraction)" off.  What is going on here? is this a bug?

[Max] I need help! / UHD Cache vs 4K Cache
« on: 2020-12-08, 16:42:20 »
I usually always use UHD Cache for all renders in corona, but this new animation I am rendering which is a clubhouse with exteriors and interiors seem to be so slow.  The exteriors render fast so far, the interiors take a long time to calculate the UHD Cache.  Never had it take this long before. I even merged the scene into a new one thinking maybe their was an issue with the scene. I changed to 4K Cache and it calculates GI way faster.  I guess I can stick to 4K Cache, but is there any known issues with rendering an animation with it?  I'm just worried since I guess it's still testing since it's not default solution?

I'm using corona 6, not the hotfix ones because I thought I read in another thread there was a bug introduced.

[Max] Feature Requests / Light Lister Grouping
« on: 2020-11-16, 20:43:21 »
Am I doing something wrong cause my Light Lister shows all lights in a scene instead of grouping instanced lights together.  I have a TON of lights in this animation and Light Lister looks crazy with all the lights listed and hard to work with.  It also doesn't seem to list the sun which is a light?

[Max] I need help! / Glass with Liquid
« on: 2020-11-13, 21:32:06 »
I can't believe I'm having problems with this, I think I've done it a million times. But I have a glass with liquid and it looks good for it's purpose, but when I attach the liquid to the glass ( poly > Attach) the liquid disappears.  I can't believe I'm having issues with something so simple.  Liquid in Glass is slightly larger to move into the glass itself.

[Max] I need help! / CoronaUvwRandomizer SLOW renders!
« on: 2020-11-08, 01:17:02 »
We are working on an animation right now of a Clubhouse, exteriors and interiors.  Render times where getting long, couldn't understand why.  I started in on a new room, locker room, and only added one texture so far.  The wood texture for the lockers, and off-set the texture U & V using CoronaUvwRandomizer node.  Works like a charm but render times where 8 minutes a frame.  I then realized all renders where taking long due to the CoronaUvwRandomizer nodes we are using.  I removed the CoronaUvwRandomizer from the shader then the render time went from 8min down to 1.5min.  Is this normal for the CoronaUvwRandomizer to take so much longer to render?

Windows 10 Pro
3dsmax 2020
Corona 6 Final


What happened to the latest forum posts on the from page of the website?  That was a really great thing to have to quickly see what the latest posts where and whats new.

[Max] Feature Requests / Can we possibly have Flare effect?
« on: 2020-05-08, 17:25:23 »
I used Redshift for quite some time, one feature I thought that was nice added to it's PostFX of Bloom and Glare in the VFB was the addition of Flare.  I know there is a new Bloom and Glare coming with Corona 6, and I'm sorry if this was requested already but I think it would be a great addition.

[Max] I need help! / Denoiser with Render Farm
« on: 2020-02-14, 18:54:17 »
Hi I'm rendering an animation with a renderfarm Rebus, I always use Nvidia GPU denoiser.  Unfortunately I received back my animation with no denoising cause they have no Nvidia GPU on nodes.  Is there a way around this? maybe save out the render from the farm to a .cxr file and run it through Corona image editor, would that denoise the images?

[Max] Resolved Bugs / IPR is getting really bad
« on: 2020-01-30, 19:04:06 »
IPR seems to be getting really bad, that in some scenes I cannot even use it anymore with Slate Material Editor cause it lags so bad working with materials.  It seems to keep getting worse and worse with newer versions, Vray on the other hand is snappy as can be.   It also seems like it doesn't respect excluding CPU cores for system, it seems more snappy at fist with excluding cores but then gets just as slow a few seconds in.

[Max] General Discussion / Calculate Ray tracing on GPU?
« on: 2019-11-09, 20:17:33 »
I am not a programmer, so this might be a stupid question. I was wondering if it was possible to offload the calculation of raytracing somehow to the GPU especially with the new RTX. But the CPU calculate everything else? But for what takes the most time, Ray tracing, calculate off of the GPU. Like I said I'm not sure if it's plausible to offload just one area of rendering but if it is it seems that way cut render times considerably. I'm sure the Corona team had even thought of this or even know this is not possible, was just wondering and there's nothing wrong with being educated on it. :) Thanks again for a fantastic render engine.

[Max] I need help! / Anima rendering with Double motion Blur
« on: 2019-08-14, 07:33:44 »
Hi I'm rendering with corona-5-3dsmax-daily-2019-08-07 and the scene has Anima characters and all the motion blur on them are doubled, looks like double vision. Don't know what to do.

[Max] I need help! / Rendering out Previz
« on: 2019-07-18, 22:30:30 »
We are rendering out Previz for an animation we are doing, so we set rendering for 30 sec. Renders fast and good quality, but the "Parsing scene" ruins it by how long it takes.  Now I see there is something on the roadmap about fixing Parsing Scene to be quicker.  In the meantime is there a workaround or something better to use ? Can one render out Previz from IR since you can set it's Passes? Seconds would be better in case some shots take longer to clean, so you can make sure everything only takes 30 sec.

[Max] General Discussion / Vray Next vs Corona 4
« on: 2019-04-28, 00:14:18 »
Wanted to get you guys opinions on Vray Next since most of you came from Vray or still use it but also use Corona.  We own Vray 3x version and Corona among other renderers.  We are going to keep using Corona but might use Vray Next for animations. Had some observations and questions.

We just used Corona 4 nightly for an animation, render quality, user interface & user friendliness is fantastic. Render times get to be quite large compared to Vray Next that we tried for a few small tests, and that can really add up for animation.  Vray Next IPR seems much more responsive and final rendering seems to be much faster.  But my question is about quality, many Corona renders look very realistic compared to Vray.  Not sure if this changed with Vray Next, but I can't place my finger on if it's Coronas lighting or shaders.  Seems to have more depth and reflective properties seem more natural. Like I said we had only limited time with Vray Next trial, so for those who use both would love to hear your opinions or even see you comparisons.

[Max] I need help! / Opacity Clip Slow
« on: 2019-03-28, 19:18:51 »

We have an animation we are working on where we have a lot of vegetation. We are using Opacity maps for the trees and utilizing the clip option.  The problem is that it is still very slow to render.  With opacity with clip is 2X slower than turning off opacity.  Is there a better way or something that can be done?

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