hello everyone.
i am mac users and i using cinema4d with corona usually.
and sometimes i am using cinema 4d for windows.
corona sun is working good on windows it is ok but on macOS not working.
on mac for sun light i am using hdri fake sun with cinema 4d under corona setting in environments.
my corona license is educational licance both systems.
and installed cinema 4d r20.
but i have this problem on r19 bothmacos.
i have macOS computer Mac Pro late 2013 models.
after then i checkup and i thinked maybe my macpro system not good working.
and i have MacBook Pro late 2016 macos system.
and there i have this problem like macpro.
after that i think coronas on macosx system not working good.
now i am thinking this problem on macs.
and this problem on
with macs other renders plugin working good with sun light no problem.
i attaching my 9:50 minutes videos .
if you have any idea please help me.
and i want the learn mac users is having any problem like this.
example scenes i will upload on this link.
for answers thank you very much.
screenshoots videos.
https://streamable.com/i6kyvcinema 4d folders.