General Category > Corona Academy

Cannot access the videos

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The website has been updated with a fix, so this should not be happening any more and videos should play in pop-up without needing to press extra keys ;) Apologies to those who were inconvenienced these first few days. And of course, do report in if you still experience problems!


--- Quote from: shortcirkuit on 2023-11-02, 22:59:44 ---hey guys you do realise all your links dont work for the new videos ?

--- End quote ---

They are not meant to work as links (e.g. right click to open link in new tab, or copy the link and paste it). They will only play as pop-ups on the webpages themselves. If you mean something else though, let us know. Also, they were incorrectly trying to open as links randomly for some, and that has been fixed just today (we hope!)


--- Quote from: TomG on 2023-11-03, 12:00:53 ---
--- Quote from: shortcirkuit on 2023-11-02, 22:59:44 ---hey guys you do realise all your links dont work for the new videos ?

--- End quote ---

They are not meant to work as links (e.g. right click to open link in new tab, or copy the link and paste it). They will only play as pop-ups on the webpages themselves. If you mean something else though, let us know. Also, they were incorrectly trying to open as links randomly for some, and that has been fixed just today (we hope!)

--- End quote ---

Why not like the vray tutorials series launched in this days on the chaos youtube channel? Is vray more practical than corona this time? :)

We have our videos on our YouTube channel though :) We just want these longer, more complicated to make videos to be for those who have an active Corona license though (including trials). Same way as being able to use Cosmos assets comes along with having a license. So this is just one of those additional benefits to being a Corona user!

PS - when I say we have our videos on YouTube, I also mean we will continue to make those, not just referring to ones that are there already.



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