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Topics - haueryou26

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[Max] Feature Requests / Mikk T Support
« on: 2022-06-08, 15:42:24 »
Hey guys, I know this is a long shot but here we go.

I think Corona would find value in adopting the Mikk TSpace workflow. This is the most widely used tangent based calculator for baking out normal maps. We used this on Halo 4 and 5 and know 343 uses this format even now. MegaScan uses MikkTSpace and Poliigon is moving towards this global format. If this can be prioritized I know people would use it even if they didn't realize they already are.

Applications that Natively support Mikk Tspace
-3ds Max
LINK to Test Asset:

Currently the only way to have mathematically "Correct" normals with Corona is using 3ds Max legacy format. See images attached

-Substance Designer and Painter

Hey guys,

Im new to Corona and wanted to know if 3ds Max and Corona support a synced workflow? I spent the last few hours trying to figure this out and still no luck. If anyone can provide guidance on how to author normal maps that work with Corona it would be greatly appreciated.

Images attached show how a cube renders that has "Correctly" setup normals and shaders. The second image shows what happens if you link the same asset to Corona using Corona shader and a Corona normal converter. Also linked is a working file that has the repro case.

Normals are Using MikkTspace and Per Pixel Calculations. Mesh is triangulated and should prove that vanilla 3ds Max processes this asset correctly

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
-Stephen Hauer

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