Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] I need help!

Corona 7 caustics looks different in region to normal render



I'm working on a pool, cam looking straight down. I do a test render and caustics look great but when I render at higher res the caustics look weak. I've read that this is a known issue (differences between region renders and final) but there's no explanation as to how to remedy.

More photons? It's kind of impossible to troubleshoot as region renders look good and it takes an hour per iteration of the high res.

Using a plane for the water, with bump map. I tried both physical and legacy materials. Have disabled the media absorption. Hope I can enable.

Welcome to the painful world of caustics - not being compatible with regions is my biggest issue with Caustics right now

Painful sums it up well. It’s challenging when you think something is user error. Perhaps could have a warning message in the dialogue. “Region render not supported - surely you didn’t expect it to be that easy”

I tried a lot of things to remedy but I’m still none the wiser as to exactly what improved my caustics. Maybe increasing MSR to 75 helped but it’s hard to tell as a lot of my scene was evolving and didn’t have time to crank out high res renders to preview all iterations.

Known issue, being discussed, hopefully will be fixed soon (either caustics+regions or at least a good way to inform users about the issue).

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