Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] General Discussion

UHD Precomputation for multiple cameras


Hi all, this might be a noobish question, but we are about to render a big resolution, so we want to make sure we do everything correctly. Is it possible to use the same HDCache file for multiple cameras of an exterior animation with only moving people and sea waves, or do we need to make an HDCache for each camera independently?

No one? Devs?


looks like you can use the same cache for each camera but will need to pre-calculate the entire sequence

You can use a single cache for multiple cameras. The only risk is that the quality of the cache generated from camera A will be a little bit worse than if it would be generated for camera B, but that should not be any major issue. It should not cause any rendering slowdown or other problems.

Since you mentioned sea waves, if it's an exterior scene (like a beach) without interior elements or areas illuminated by strong GI, maybe the best solution would be to use path tracing as both the primary and the secondary solver? The UHD cache is mostly useful for interiors.


--- Quote from: maru on 2024-04-09, 18:23:19 ---You can use a single cache for multiple cameras. The only risk is that the quality of the cache generated from camera A will be a little bit worse than if it would be generated for camera B, but that should not be any major issue. It should not cause any rendering slowdown or other problems.

Since you mentioned sea waves, if it's an exterior scene (like a beach) without interior elements or areas illuminated by strong GI, maybe the best solution would be to use path tracing as both the primary and the secondary solver? The UHD cache is mostly useful for interiors.

--- End quote ---

Thanks, will try that for the next animation. We made a hdcache for each camera in the end since we were in a hurry. Thanks!


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