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Messages - TomG

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 395
[Max] I need help! / Re: Interactive rendering slows down.
« on: 2025-01-27, 13:18:01 »
Note that older versions of Corona can open files saved with newer versions if no features used in the saved scene have been updated. For example, Corona 12 files won't open in earlier versions of Corona due to changes in the tone mapping (addition of auto white balance and auto exposure) so when a Corona Camera is in the scene, it has the data for those new tone mapping features, and Corona 11 etc. doesn't know what to do with that data so can't open the scene. This will allow you to make a good guess as to whether a scene saved in a newer version will open in an older.

[Max] General Discussion / Re: Corona 12 Update 1
« on: 2025-01-27, 13:13:42 »
Any older version including Corona 12 - so Corona 12, 11, 10, 9, etc. If you aren't on Corona 12 Update 1, the License Server needs updating either by installing Corona 12 Update 1 (Hotfix 1) or by manually updating the License Server.

Yes, Corona 12 Update 1 is the first version to feature the new licensing, any older version (including Corona 12) will stop working on Jan 28th. Yes, there is now a Hotfix for Corona 12 Update 1 :) Also, you can update the licensing server manually if you don't want to update your Corona version, there is a detailed guide at . Hope this helps!

does this include corona 10/11, which will stop working? Or was this only related to all minor corona 12 versions?

[Max] General Discussion / Re: VFB in C12 Update 1
« on: 2025-01-23, 18:36:02 »
TY for confirming!

[Max] General Discussion / Re: Corona 12 Update 1
« on: 2025-01-23, 18:35:28 »
Good to hear! You are welcome, and ty for checking it helps with the issues and reporting back in, much appreciated!

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Speed of different Versions
« on: 2025-01-23, 16:53:27 »
Yep - to grossly over-simplify, if you have to do "a = b + c" there is only so much you can do in code to speed that up; the calculation is what it is, and needs to be done, and what determines whether that gets faster is the hardware it is run on.

Of course this is not to say we don't still look for optimizations, mostly through new algorithmic approaches than simply optimizing our code, but they do turn up less and less often the more mature a product gets (if it's done right!) as you are already exploiting the best code and best approaches. But we'll never stop looking, looking at research and seeing if it can be applied, and so on!

Sorry to hear you've run into some problems. Be sure to check the detailed instructions on - there is a step on "Removing Older Versions" that very few people will ever need to do, but if you are finding yourself unable to update the License Server normally, do follow those steps and see if that resolves it for you. If you are still stuck, then the last resort is to open a ticket at for support in your specific situation.

[Max] General Discussion / Re: Corona 12 Update 1
« on: 2025-01-23, 16:31:58 »
The Chaos forums offers functionality for banner displays that the aging old forum here does not :( But that's one of the reasons we want to move to a new forum solution sometime this year, fingers crossed! For those that feel you may be missing emails, after the usual checking of spam or filter rules in case anything is being blocked, do raise a ticket so that the backend system can be checked and ensure there are no problems. As it is, we are doing everything we can by every channel we have access to, to let folks know (I just posted it a bunch of times over various Facebook groups as an additional extra, for example).

[Max] General Discussion / Re: Corona 12 Update 1
« on: 2025-01-22, 23:49:47 »
We're just talking the license server. The easiest and recommended way to update that is to update to 12 Update 1 (Hotfix 1), but if you don't want to change Corona version you can just manually update the license server as mentioned in my last post here.

Info was posted here in the News on the 5th December last year (always worth following as it has all our releases in it) at, there's a big banner on the website, there's a banner in Cosmos, emails were sent out (and there will be a reminder email too), and I posted a reminder note in the Daily Builds discussion forums for both Max and C4D, so we haven't just relied on folks reading the News on the forum. The link here to the original News posting has the full details, including the link to the page describing how to manually update the licenser server ( if you want to go straight there).

[Max] General Discussion / Re: Corona 12 Update 1
« on: 2025-01-22, 15:51:12 »
Yes, Corona 12 Update 1 is the first version to feature the new licensing, any older version (including Corona 12) will stop working on Jan 28th. Yes, there is now a Hotfix for Corona 12 Update 1 :) Also, you can update the licensing server manually if you don't want to update your Corona version, there is a detailed guide at . Hope this helps!

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Speed of different Versions
« on: 2025-01-21, 22:36:48 »
We do post measures of speed ups when they are introduced, such as we did with the faster caustics in 12 Update 1 (though this was better expressed in terms of quality, given that any speed up would depend on how dominant the caustics were in the scene, so this was "caustics are about visually twice as good in the same amount of render time")

And there have been "x% speed ups" in releases in the past. Thing is, the algorithms and calculations are now very well optimized, and as such there is less opportunity for something that is just a raw speed up to rendering time, and as noted most improvements that Corona can give are about speeding up YOU by making the workflow easier, with rendering time speed ups most often coming from hardware improvements.

For instance, had some noticeable and measurable speed ups.

Ultimately though, light transport calculations are what they are and as time goes on there are less and less ways in which they can be improved upon (if you've done your job well in the first place and things are handled efficiently) so this is why over time improvements are less about faster renders and more about faster you :)

As a note, for speed ups we don't want "cheats" or "approximations" or "short cuts" because Corona is focused on accurate, realistic results, so any speed up has to come without any sort of compromise in result to achieve it. This is one of the reasons you can see claims of speedups for GPU renders, e.g. "now 3 out of 4 frames are AI approximations, rather than 1 out of 4 frames!" is the kind of thing that wouldn't fly for Corona, were there a CPU equivalent, at least not for final renders (you can see a similar 4 times speed up by using the new Upscaling, which is fine for test renders and that can be very valuable, but it's not really applicable to final deliverable work).

Hope that helps!

So long as you have Corona 12 Update 1 or later installed (and the dailies since 12 U 1 would count as "later") then no action is needed :) TY for asking! Always good to be sure in cases like this, so ask away with any questions!

In case anyone doesn't check the News section of the forum, posting this in a few other places as we don't want anyone to suddenly find themselves with licenses not working on Jan 28th.

We wish to share this important update to Chaos Licensing as the server certificate will expire on January 28, 2025.

To ensure uninterrupted access to your licenses, you must update your Chaos License Server by January 28, 2025. Failure to do so will result in the loss of access to your licenses.

Please see for full details.

In case anyone doesn't check the News section of the forum, posting this in a few other places as we don't want anyone to suddenly find themselves with licenses not working on Jan 28th.

We wish to share this important update to Chaos Licensing as the server certificate will expire on January 28, 2025.

To ensure uninterrupted access to your licenses, you must update your Chaos License Server by January 28, 2025. Failure to do so will result in the loss of access to your licenses.

Please see for full details.

In case anyone doesn't check the News section of the forum, posting this in a few other places as we don't want anyone to suddenly find themselves with licenses not working on Jan 28th.

We wish to share this important update to Chaos Licensing as the server certificate will expire on January 28, 2025.

To ensure uninterrupted access to your licenses, you must update your Chaos License Server by January 28, 2025. Failure to do so will result in the loss of access to your licenses.

Please see for full details.

In case anyone doesn't check the News section of the forum, posting this in a few other places as we don't want anyone to suddenly find themselves with licenses not working on Jan 28th.

We wish to share this important update to Chaos Licensing as the server certificate will expire on January 28, 2025.

To ensure uninterrupted access to your licenses, you must update your Chaos License Server by January 28, 2025. Failure to do so will result in the loss of access to your licenses.

Please see for full details.

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