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Messages - TomG

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 395
According to the power of Google AI (and I checked this, and it works):

To view EXR layers in After Effects, you need to apply the "Extractor" effect to your EXR layer, which allows you to access and select individual channels or layers embedded within the EXR file; simply navigate to the Effects panel, search for "Extractor," and apply it to your layer to see the available EXR channels in the effect controls.
Key points about viewing EXR layers in After Effects:
"Extractor" effect: This built-in After Effects effect is the key to accessing EXR layers.
Accessing channels: Once the "Extractor" effect is applied, you can select which EXR channel you want to view from the drop-down menu in the effect controls.
Multi-layered EXR files: If your EXR file contains multiple layers (like different render passes from a 3D software), you can easily switch between them using the "Extractor" effect.

PS it's written as EXtractoR lol

And example scene and EXR would be useful, simplified scene is fine so long as it shows the problem, best sent in via ticket if there is anything in there you don't want to share with the community by posting here on the forum :)

[Max] I need help! / Re: Denoising takes too long in my PC
« on: 2025-02-07, 13:10:52 »
Indeed the "amount" is just the strength of the blend between denoised and undenoised image, with 0 being the undenoised image only and 1 being the denoised image only. It doesn't change what denoising calculations are done.

Do your windows have thickness? (ie they are cubes, not just planes - the glass parts)

Does your glass material use any volume effects?

Do you have anything in the overrides in the Scene Environment section of the Render Settings (in the Scene tab)?

Do you have anything in the overrides section of the Camera settings?

Can you show the Render Elements set up, to see which ones you have added to the scene?

[Max] I need help! / Re: Volumetric optimisations
« on: 2025-02-03, 16:43:46 »
Don't know exactly how much slower it would be, is why I put the "(say)" in there as at the most basic level, it does twice as many calculations for each pixel that has some results from the volumetrics in it, and this is just for the straightforward original ray continuing through the volume. That gets more complex as soon as there is scattering, as you are then creating more and more rays, so it is probably more than 8 times the calculations. You'd be doing one jump of xcm, then from there scattering y rays, where each ray then does another jump of xcm, and then there you scatter another y rays for each and every new point, and so on - so it grows in complexity fast for sure :)

[Max] I need help! / Re: Volumetric optimisations
« on: 2025-02-03, 14:56:17 »
Yep, Tom is correct. Basically it's how far to "jump through" the material before sampling another point in the volume. So if you have a volume 1m thick, a step size of 20cm will take 5 samples throughout that volume (missing any details in variation of the volume that are smaller than 20cm), or a step size of 10cm will take 10 samples, catching more variation in the volume so is more accurate, but of course takes twice as long to do (say) since it is twice the number of samples. In this example, a step size of 120cm would only take one sample when it first intersects the volume, as the next step of 1.2m takes it outside the 1m volume, so you are back to "on surface" mode again really :)

Ultimately, Cylindo did and would still exist even if it was not part of Chaos, and would still be tempting customers into using it rather than hiring a visualizer to do the work, so that hasn't changed in any way. It's something that would be happening regardless. As noted though, it is suited for work that is at a massive scale, and not suited for work that needs the personal touch and unique presentations for a smaller number of products (again, true before, after, and whether they had joined Chaos) so there is still a market for visualizer skills. I think it is inevitable that Cylindo and others were going to provide the automation that allowed this to happen at scale and this was just going to be a shift in what work would be out there as an option to bid upon.

Cylindo was originally a separate company, so by acquiring it, money that was originally going to another company is now going to Chaos :) Very much an anti-cannibalization. Cylindo also serves a very specific purpose, with little crossover for most of our users - I'd say primarily it is about amassing a large catalogue of images showing a large catalogue of furniture, which can then be leveraged in an online store where people go to buy that furniture - which isn't something most of users would do, create 90,000 images, 3 each of 30,000 products, with a turntable for each, and set up an online store using them. It's mechanical and not artistic work, and all about the quantities of inputs and outputs.

Cylindo does not do architectural visualization at all, nor is it so good for more specific scene setups of more specific items ("Please show our latest 3 sofas, in Scandinavian cabins that are part of a ski resort, be sure to show the skis leaning against the wall, and have large windows looking out at the mountains outside"... etc etc.)

[C4D] Resolved Bugs / Re: Corona Bitmap + Mapping Randomizer
« on: 2025-01-31, 18:55:26 »
The release blogs contain all fixes, so you can search for "Corona X released" and scan through it there. More tediously, you can go through the Daily Builds posts (there is only one Daily Build post for each version) and read all the daily builds released for a particular version (though the notes there contain regression fixes, e.g. fixing a bug that was introduced while writing that version, and that is cleaned up before the final blog post to detail only changes and fixes since the previous version).

[Max] I need help! / Re: CoronaRayswitchMtl not as aspected
« on: 2025-01-27, 15:53:58 »
Yep bear in mind that the reflect override affects how the material shows in reflections - including reflections of the same material in itself. So a ray can be reflected off the carpet with displacement, and would have intersected with another point on the carpet with displacement, but without the displacement it does not intersect that another part of the carpet (now that the carpet is a completely flat plane according to how it is seen in reflections). And even where it does still intersect with the carpet, the result will be different given the carpet is both flat AND grey when seen from a reflection ray.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Interactive rendering slows down.
« on: 2025-01-27, 15:45:08 »
Corona 13 will be in June. Corona 12 Update 2 will be before that, though, set for end of March at the moment.

Sorry no - there are still no plans (and likely never will be) to develop Corona for anything other than the currently supported 3ds Max and Cinema 4D.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Interactive rendering slows down.
« on: 2025-01-27, 13:18:01 »
Note that older versions of Corona can open files saved with newer versions if no features used in the saved scene have been updated. For example, Corona 12 files won't open in earlier versions of Corona due to changes in the tone mapping (addition of auto white balance and auto exposure) so when a Corona Camera is in the scene, it has the data for those new tone mapping features, and Corona 11 etc. doesn't know what to do with that data so can't open the scene. This will allow you to make a good guess as to whether a scene saved in a newer version will open in an older.

[Max] General Discussion / Re: Corona 12 Update 1
« on: 2025-01-27, 13:13:42 »
Any older version including Corona 12 - so Corona 12, 11, 10, 9, etc. If you aren't on Corona 12 Update 1, the License Server needs updating either by installing Corona 12 Update 1 (Hotfix 1) or by manually updating the License Server.

Yes, Corona 12 Update 1 is the first version to feature the new licensing, any older version (including Corona 12) will stop working on Jan 28th. Yes, there is now a Hotfix for Corona 12 Update 1 :) Also, you can update the licensing server manually if you don't want to update your Corona version, there is a detailed guide at . Hope this helps!

does this include corona 10/11, which will stop working? Or was this only related to all minor corona 12 versions?

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