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Topics - lollolo

Pages: [1] 2
[C4D] Bug Reporting / Corona Proxy gets materials wrong
« on: 2024-10-29, 20:57:50 »
I'm having an issue with Proxy.

- Create a cube
- make several poly selections
- apply a material to every selection
- create a Proxy - until now everything is working
- create another material and apply it to one of the selections you created before (so a selection is used twice)
- create a proxy - materials are not correctly applied.

In my example here, only one material channel was created, but there should be 6.

Win 10
C4D R20 + 12 hotfix 2

Can you reproduce it? Thanks for checking.

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Issues in and around VFB and IR
« on: 2024-08-27, 23:56:26 »
UPDATE: I wasn't aware that there is a hotfix already. The majority of the issues appear to have been resolved.

I'm wondering a bit if I'm the only one struggling with the new VFB and some issues around...?
Also, I'm not sure, which issues are already reported or if they happen only on my end.

— Memory leak when using IR. It happened a few times in the last days that after I started IR in an almost empty scene, the system run out of memory (128 GB) and I had to force close C4D.
I wasn't able to find a pattern what caused this issue, a simple restart of C4D resolved it (until it came back the next day) Didn't happen in IR with new release yet. But it happened today during final rendering.

— Next issue is that IR is constantly refreshing and parsing the scene, sometimes even if I just watch the screen and do nothing. But It happens every time when I move the viewport (not the active camera), hit a key or change bloom and glare. Very hard to work with...It seems to have been fixed successfully.

— Another issue is that final denoising gets deactivated. This issue I'm able to reproduce. If I open a new scene, as soon as I start IR, denoising for the final rendering gets deactivated, and I have to activate it again in the render settings. This usually happens only when I start IR for the first time, after that it works as expected. (Except if I'm using takes) Fixed

— Camera tag is not always updated when I change something in VFB. Tone mapping works as expected, but I had some problems with bloom and glare. I wasn't able to reproduce it, typically it works as expected. It seems to be fixed.

— IR can't be stopped using the stop button if the max number of passes are reached, because the button is greyed out

— IR doesn't stop when VFB is closed (I'm not sure if you consider this to be a bug or feature, but I liked the behavior from earlier versions much better when IR stopped when VFB was closed.) Fixed, thanks!

And finally a question, which software for Win 10 are you using for screen recording and gif export to share it easier here on the website?
Especially when I want to record only a part of the screen, the software I'm using allows me to record only the whole screen.


Corona 12 final release
C4D R20
Win 10


Latest build and c4d r20 on win10.
If I use Corona Decal on a simple black plane, the result is always very glossy, although my materials have 0% glossiness. So there should be no reflections at all. But when I check "Clip" under the opacity settings of my decal material, I get correct results, without any reflections.
Seems to me there is an issue, could you check it? 


Edit: I downgraded to the daily build before (April 3) and this resolved my issue. So my reported issue is only in the latest build.

[C4D] Feature Requests / Vantage for Corona
« on: 2023-01-02, 17:23:07 »
Original thread here:

I just want to bump it, hope the devs have noticed the importance of this feature request.
Recently, I thought about Redshift or D5 as a render engine for animations or just when speed matters.
I really love Corona and don't want to change my beloved engine, but in some cases, I would prefer something faster.
Vantage would be amazing as a second engine, alongside with Corona. We would have both, superfast and super easy/quality :)

[C4D] Resolved Bugs / Shading issue
« on: 2022-05-11, 10:37:18 »
Hi there

Just got something that doesn't look right to me. Can you check it out?

Thanks and have a good day

C4D R20
Corona 8
Win 10

[C4D] Feature Requests / ChaosScatterSurfaceColor
« on: 2022-05-10, 22:23:21 »
I can't see this shader in C4D, hope we will get it soon.
Or did I miss something?

Where I found it:


[C4D] Bug Reporting / Issue with fields
« on: 2022-01-28, 21:25:55 »

I have some issues using fields.
- I'm using a vertex-tag to control Surfacespread
- This vertex-tag has fields activated
- Drag and drop another vertex-tag into
- corona starts to get buggy

Private uploader isn't working right now, I will upload it later when it's working again.

Successfully uploaded as

Include/Exclude in slicer material isn't working. I can't drag and drop an object into the Include/Exclude field, nor I can select an object.

Can you check this issue?

Corona 8 (DailyBuild Jan  7 2022)
C4D R20



Render or multi instances (I didn't test normal instances) are not rendered in IR when I use alembic particles as source for the cloner.
Rendered in picture viewer gives me the expected result.

Successfully uploaded as Please check it out.

C4D R20
Latest daily

[C4D] I need help! / Vector Displacement
« on: 2021-09-20, 17:18:08 »

Cool that you added vector displacement! But can someone explain, how it works?
I don't get it working... Native C4D renderer does the job fine for me.

How can I bake and use vector displacement like in native renderer?

If someone knows more, please give me a hint :)

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Proxies not rendered
« on: 2021-08-24, 18:04:13 »
If I remember correctly, this issue is old already.

- Corona Proxy cloned using multi instance
- Expected result in IR
- Not renderer in final render

Win 10
C4D R20 (please check this issue with R20)
Latest version 7 + 8


It still happens that objects with displacement disappear in IR. I'm not sure when and why this happens, it looks very random to me. It happens daily and in every scene.
They appear again when I change something of the object like move a polygon or change material. 

Can you confirm this behavior?

C4D R20
7.0 daily May 17
Win 10

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Slowdown when using BumpMap
« on: 2021-04-05, 19:29:46 »

I'm not sure if this is connected to the latest daily, threadripper processor or something else.
When I render something with a material applied that includes bump map, my CPU is using less than 100% of its power (depends on scene, in this case less than 50%)
Noise in bump slot renders fine, as well as normal map.

It happened in every scene I opened today.

Win 10
Latest daily

Here is my separate post for my second issue with denoiser. First post:

When I choose Nvidia denoiser, activate multi pass, virtual beauty and set denoise amount to 0, the pass still gets denoised.
It happens only when Nvidia is activated. 

This is clearly an issue to me, even it's the same in max. Nivida denoiser has also denoise amount where you can tweak the blending between 0 and 1. 
I would assume that it should be possible to save both versions.

The workaround now is to do it manually, but this is not satisfactorily.

Thanks and have a happy day :)

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Intel denoiser - visible seam
« on: 2021-02-10, 21:52:14 »

I'm not sure if you are aware of this issue, I don't even know if this is a corona thing or a limitation of the denoiser.
I noticed last summer already, that Intel denoiser leaves a visible seam in the middle of the image. (to be more precise, a few pixels to the right, see example)

To give you some information: I rendered the image two times.
At 3240 X 2160 gives the result I expect. When I try it with something higher than that, then I get always a visible seam. Happens in all scenes, every time.

Version: 7.0 daily Jan 22 2021
Cinema version: R20.059 CINEMA 4D Studio
Win 10

Thanks for bug hunting :)

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