Chaos Corona for Cinema 4D > [C4D] Daily Builds

100% cpu in IPR usage in daily?

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MircoTosti Studio:
Are there any updates regarding the CPU usage at 100% both in IPR mode and render, and the consequent malfunctioning of the system with freezes, slowdowns, and stuttering of all windows, making it impossible to manage any Windows window or any program? I have tried both version 12 and version 13, but on my AMD 9950x, all this continues to happen. If I launch an interactive render window, or if I launch the render, the system freezes until the render is finished, making it impossible to work in other windows in the meantime or to use the interactive feature to manage and configure my scene with the creation of materials, lights, and effects, etc.

Sorry but... In this way, Corona Renderer is practically unusable, and I am just wasting my license time.
Are there any solutions or refunds available for users experiencing these issues?


I'm on windows latest version 24h2
Latest Corona 12 update1
Amd r9 5950x

IPR takes a long time to start and when it does the system freezes and slowdown.

It's very hard to work with


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