Chaos Corona for Cinema 4D > [C4D] Daily Builds
100% cpu in IPR usage in daily?
Yep, that looks right. Do you experience lag or slowdown as mentioned earlier? (If not, then the reporting system saying the CPU is 100% in use is not a problem - only if it's having an impact on responsiveness is it an issue). What OS are you using, and which version of Corona? Do you still see 100% usage (and lag) with threads set to something like -4? And what if you use the positive number as mentioned in an earlier post (so if you have 32 threads, setting "31" in there)? Thanks in advance for the extra info!
I experience such lag whole system freezes during IPR rendering. Has not been the case before.
Changing thread-numbers seem to fix nothing?
Sonoma 14.5 (23F79)
Version • 12 Update 1 (Release Candidate 2)
Build timestamp • Nov 14 2024 02:38:57
Cinema version • 2025.1.1 Cinema 4D
Why are you using an RC of Update 1, since it is out officially? Definitely be sure to be using the final official release :) You could also try the latest daily at - let us know if either of those builds still give you issues, as changing the thread numbers should make a significant difference (make it so Corona only gets 1 thread, ensure that things are a lot slower, then we know the number changes are working :) ).
Well, my guess it's due to pure incompetence or post traumatic retardness. Will use latest and try it 🫣.
Sorry bothering you guys with stupid questions when I apparantly should check obvious stuff first.
Oh, not a stupid question, as it may still happen with the official release - but is worth running it juuuuuust to be sure :) Eliminates some small possibilities on the cause if we know for sure. Anyway, no question is ever a stupid question (except the unasked one, as then it never gets answered!). Keep on with the feedback and questions, please!
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