Chaos Corona for Cinema 4D > [C4D] Daily Builds
corona vrscene at chaos cloud rendering?
woudl an exported vrscene from corona render work in the chaos cloud?
or are the formats too different from v-ray?
The .vrscene is set up for Vantage and not set up for V-Ray (and so, not set up for the Cloud). I'd say it's unlikely to work at all well. I've never tried loading one of our vrscenes into Max with V-Ray for instance, since it is just not an intended use, but I have serious doubts on how well it would work :)
this means Vantage has been adapted to render corona exported vrscenes?
No, it means we wrote a .vrscene export to the specifications Vantage expects :) All the work was on the Corona side. (Before Corona 12, we did not export to/write to .vrscene at all).
well i know, but as vantage reads vrscenes from other apps, then it seems close that a written vrscene can be used also for other purpose (it seems to renders fine in vray via vrscene loader for example)
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