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Messages - CGMe

Pages: [1]
Thanks Snakebox.

As per your request I redid the renders with max passes set to 256, which in turn might be overkill :). Rendertimes are still pretty decent though; around 20-25 minutes for a 1k tile.

Ok, thanks for the fast and clear feedback. For now I think I'll write a little script that loops through all CoronaLayered materials and reassigns them either on opening or when the render starts. This should be good enough for me at the moment.

I've got this scene with a few CoronaLayered materials set up like this:

[BASE MATERIAL] CoronaSurface1
[LAYER1 MATERIAL] CoronaSurface2
[LAYER1 OPACITY] File Texture

When I reopen the scene and hit render, it seems like the opacity map is being ignored and the CoronaLayered is only showing it's base material. When I reassign the CoronaLayered it works again as intended. Only noticed in Maya 2015, I will try to recreate the issue in Maya 2016 later today.

Oh, perhaps helpful to mention; I'm using Maya 2015 Extension 1 + SP6 on a Windows 7 system.

I'll try to test the same scene later today with Maya 2016.

Just dit this little test render and noticed something odd; when rendering through the render window it looks as expected, but after doing a render via mayabatch it looks different.

Inspired by this thread by Nehale, I decided to test some simple studio setups. Since the site hosting the tutorial linked in the original thread was dead, I decided to base my studios on some of the setups found in c4d's VRay Studio Tools PRO by Josef Bsharah.

I've downloaded the original Ajax 3D scan, located here and scaled it to a height of 68 cm, based on the dimensions I found for a similar buste to make it real-world scale. Max passes are set to 24, primary GI is set to Pathtracing, secondary to UHD cache. The model has a basic CoronaSurface material with a little bit of translucency.

Intel Core i7 3930K 3.2GHz, 32GB RAM
Maya 2015 Extension 1 + SP6

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